How to deliver a correct speech

How to deliver a correct speech
How to deliver a correct speech

Video: How to Start a Speech 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Speech 2024, July

The work of lecturers, television and radio hosts, agitators and propagandists is directly dependent on correctly delivered speech. And literate communication doesn’t hurt an ordinary person. Indeed, using the word, we can not only bring certain information to the listener, but also cause a storm of emotions in him.

Instruction manual


Correctly delivered speech depends primarily on the clarity and sound of the voice. Breathing is a controlled process, therefore, its special training is necessary. Speech breathing, in contrast to physiological respiration, must be monitored, especially for people whose work is associated with speech load. Remember that it is necessary to inhale air through the nose. So you prevent the throat from drying out, and the larynx and lungs from dust and bacteria. But with prolonged performances, only nasal breathing can not be dispensed with, since air intake by the nose occurs only with large pauses. Therefore, short breaths cannot be avoided. To produce them as little as possible, you should train your breath so that for one short breath there is an extended exhalation. And since the words are pronounced precisely on the exhale, it is necessary to properly expend the supply of air in speech.


The second component of correctly delivered speech is voice. Often you can hear complaints that after the speech the voice “sat down”, hoarseness appeared, and sore throat. To avoid such problems, it is again necessary to learn how to breathe correctly, and also not to raise your voice, but to use sound amplifiers for this purpose.


In addition, well-delivered speech is impossible without proper diction. If a person pronounces words quickly and carelessly, like a tongue twister, then listeners are hardly pleased to hear such an illegible speech. One of the main conditions for a clear diction is a completely open mouth, and you need to pronounce words smoothly, without rushing.


In addition, the speaker's speech should be literate. Correctly put emphasis in words, combinations of sounds and words make speech understandable and easy to understand. Therefore, the study of the Russian language, and especially its section - orthoepy, is a prerequisite for the correct statement of speech.