How to love a story

How to love a story
How to love a story

Video: Bon Jovi "Story Of Love" (Lyric Video) 2024, July

Video: Bon Jovi "Story Of Love" (Lyric Video) 2024, July

Rarely does anyone boast a love for this subject. And there is something to love for: a sea of ​​interesting stories, the experience of centuries that allows us to better understand modernity, the reasons for what has already happened, and the prerequisites for what else will happen …

Instruction manual


If you need to love the story, then you are most likely either a schoolchild or a student, and you need to learn a few dozen questions for the exam. This preparation is easiest given if what you teach is interesting to you. Therefore, you need to cultivate a love of history in advance, even earlier than starting to learn material on its own.


If your dislike of history is caused by the incompetence of the teacher or his lack of any pedagogical talents in principle, then stop associating science with the person who is trying to teach it. History is not only textbooks and lectures with seminars. Expand your circle of reading: take fiction, not scientific, choose from all the novels and novels the most interesting. Download a couple of movies - again, good and to your taste.


The rejection of history can also be caused by failures in its development. No one will love the subject for which he receives one deuce. In this case, you need to thoroughly learn the necessary information, overpowering yourself. At school and university (where history is not the main subject key for the specialty obtained), the study of history often comes down to memorizing dates and names. Do not learn this dry information in isolation from information of a different kind - this is how to gnaw a bare bone. "Surround" these numbers and names with more memorable, "colorful" information, create an associative background. You need to learn the dates associated with the Battle of Stalingrad - read books on this topic, watch movies, read eyewitness accounts. Then the dates will settle in your head by themselves, and it will be much easier for you to fall in love with the story.


Try communicating with people who are passionate about history. Often interests are transferred from person to person if the two communicate well. Maybe you used to avoid such people before: you have other interests, a completely different circle of acquaintances … But now you need such contacts, since you set yourself the goal of falling in love with history.


Closely monitor the events that occur in the world. Many of them are of the same nature as what happened many hundreds of years before them. Human nature does not change, only some living conditions and fashion features can change, however, new mechanisms may appear and old ones may become more complicated. Therefore, the better you will understand what has already happened, the better you will understand what is happening now and what will happen in the future. By gaining such an understanding, you will quickly fall in love with history.