How to graduate remotely

How to graduate remotely
How to graduate remotely

Video: tips for online classes / remote learning 2024, July

Video: tips for online classes / remote learning 2024, July

Correspondence departments of universities exist for a long time, but such departments have a significant drawback - you need to control the learning process yourself, the possibilities of communication with the teacher are limited. The development of technology helps to overcome this problem, creating opportunities for distance learning. You can study without leaving your home, while having the opportunity to participate in seminars and consult with a teacher.

You will need

  • - computer;

  • - access to the Internet;

  • - the desire to learn;

Instruction manual


Decide in which direction you would like to study. For distance education, the humanities are well suited - jurisprudence, economics, history, etc. Such sciences, in which a large number of practical classes are necessary, most likely do not provide the possibility of distance learning.


Find online universities in which you would like to get an education. It is worth starting not only from the prestige and cost of education, but also from the location of the university, since during the training you will most likely have to visit it several times. Please note whether a state diploma is provided upon graduation.


Having chosen a university that suits you, find out what is the procedure for submitting documents to it. In most cases, full information on the necessary documents is presented on the university website. Surely the list will include a passport, a certificate of secondary education, a diploma of higher education (if any), a registered certificate or military ID, application, photographs. In order to submit documents to the university, you can either come there in person or send certified copies by registered mail. Also, many universities provide filling in the questionnaire on-line.


Pay for the first semester or year of study. Depending on the organization, you will need to do this either before or after filing.


Now it remains only to install the necessary programs on the computer and prepare for the new school year in the distance learning mode. You will be provided with the materials necessary for training, and during the training you will participate in seminars, workshops and testing.


There are organizations in which training is possible without any personal presence. But many universities do not provide such an opportunity, so most likely you will have to come and take sessions in person.