How to get an education in Germany

How to get an education in Germany
How to get an education in Germany

Video: THESE ARE THE REQUIREMENTS for Studying in Germany! 2024, July

Video: THESE ARE THE REQUIREMENTS for Studying in Germany! 2024, July

The German education system consists of three levels: primary, secondary and higher. According to the laws of Germany, all citizens of the country must receive secondary education, so education in public schools is free. In most cases, education in state higher education institutions is also free. German educational institutions are open to foreigners, but subject to certain requirements.

Instruction manual


German schools offer a 13-year course of study. In order to enter a German school, you must be proficient in language, pass the entrance exams and pass an interview. If the child does not speak German or his knowledge is insufficient for learning, preparatory courses will be recommended.


Education in primary school - Grundschule - lasts from 4 to 6 years. After that, you can enter one of the secondary schools. There are several types of secondary schools in Germany.


The most prestigious is the Gesamnschule gymnasium. Grammar schools specialize in liberal arts education. A gymnasium diploma entitles you to enter most university departments without exams.


A real school (Realschule) also has a high status and provides education in the fields of public service, trade and services. Having received a high score in the final exam, the student can enter the senior class of the gymnasium.


In the main school (Hauptschule), students who do not intend to continue their education study.


Professionalschule - a professional school. It is aimed at schoolchildren seeking to master this or that working profession.


The general school (Gesamnschule) combines the features of a real school and a gymnasium. Here you can get both humanitarian and technical education.


In higher education institutions in Germany they study from 3 to 6 years. If you want to enter a university, you will need a certificate of secondary education. In addition, you must have a good command of the language. You will have to pass a special exam in German. Many German universities have language courses for international students.


There are more than 300 higher education institutions in the country. They are divided into types. The basis of higher education is universities and universities, equated to them. These are classical universities (faculties of humanities and natural sciences, theology, medicine, etc.), technical universities, general universities, pedagogical institutes. Higher educational institutions of a non-university type include music colleges and art colleges, as well as special professional higher schools. Also, higher educational institutions include medical, church and philosophical and theological colleges, a college of sports.


The most famous and prestigious higher educational institution of the country is Heidelberg University, which is located 60 kilometers from Frankfurt am Main. It was founded in 1386 by the type of the Paris Sorbonne.


Among students, not only universities, but also special higher schools are very popular. In them, the training period is reduced to 3-4 years, and training is focused on practical tasks. Here you can get knowledge in the field of economics, management, agriculture, engineering and computer specialties. However, higher schools, unlike universities, do not have the right to award doctoral degrees. At the end of the course you will be awarded Diplomgrad - this is an academic degree that is issued by higher schools.


In Germany, you can study in public schools, private, as well as in boarding schools.

Enrollment in universities in Germany occurs twice a year: in spring and autumn.