How to pull up the Russian language

How to pull up the Russian language
How to pull up the Russian language

Video: 10 pronunciation mistakes RUSSIAN SPEAKERS make (and how to avoid them) | American English 2024, July

Video: 10 pronunciation mistakes RUSSIAN SPEAKERS make (and how to avoid them) | American English 2024, July

A truly intelligent and well-mannered person is distinguished by the way he speaks his native language. No wonder Faina Ranevskaya said that spelling errors in the letter are like a bug on a white blouse. How to tighten up the Russian language so as not to embarrass others with its untidy letter and illiterate speech?

You will need

  • - dictionaries,

  • - study guides in the Russian language,

  • - reference books.

Instruction manual


Use the reference literature. It is good to have various dictionaries in the home library: spelling, spelling, explanatory, phraseological. Then you can get reliable information on the correct spelling, pronunciation of the word, as well as its origin and compatibility with other words. If you do not want to spend a budget on books, then you can use electronic directories, but only on sites that are really connected with the philological sciences.


Perform exercises from school books. Thus, you can check yourself for the answers that are usually given at the end of the tutorial. You can also use interactive dictations, which you can find on specialized sites on the Internet.


Read more classic books. Reading develops intelligence, as well as visual memory, so in the future it is possible to “learn” a difficult word and write it correctly.


Listen to samples of good public speaking. A competent person not only writes, but also speaks correctly. Speech culture has fallen significantly in modern media, so you should not learn from the examples of modern radio or television. There are websites on the Internet where you can listen to the voice recordings of great announcers of the past, such as Levitan.


If you are absolutely confident in your abilities, then you can do it yourself, on study guides, reference materials, etc. If not, contact a tutor to help you choose the best teaching method. But in any case, the main factor in the success of the classes is only your motivation and focus on achieving results.

Useful advice

To memorize the complex rules of Russian spelling, use special “memos”. These include, for example, the classic phrase "gypsy stood on tiptoe and stuck on a chicken", which helps to remember the exception words in the rule of writing I-S after C.

Reference and information portal on the Russian language