How to prepare for the GIA or the exam in history quickly

How to prepare for the GIA or the exam in history quickly
How to prepare for the GIA or the exam in history quickly

Video: How we produce Cambridge English exams 2024, July

Video: How we produce Cambridge English exams 2024, July

Spring is near. For some, this is a great time of the year when everything comes to life, but for someone, the buds on the trees and the singing birds are an omen of the upcoming state exams (GIA and Centralized Testing). How to pass the GIA and the Unified State Exam, if you did not differ in diligence all year? We must make an effort.

You will need

  • - history textbook

  • - notebook

  • - Internet access

Instruction manual


Take the GIA or USE test in history. You can find such a test on specialized sites or purchase a collection in a bookstore.

When you solve the test for the first time, you will be able to understand how many percent you are ready for the exam.


Based on the solved test, identify your weaknesses. On the Internet you can find the encoding GIA and EGE. So you will find out which topics you should pull up. Also, having studied the encoding, you will be able to understand what exactly awaits you in the exam.


Once you identify your weaknesses, you should fill in the knowledge gaps. Read the paragraphs in the order presented in the textbook. So you will memorize events in chronological order, as they are taught.


Outline each paragraph. Write out the main events, dates. Draw comparative and general tables. Even if it seems to you that this is a waste of time. Once reluctantly written scheme can help you remember on the exam, who won the feud. Re-read your notes regularly.


Do not be afraid to use the Internet. If you cannot find the answer to the question in the textbook, then try to search for the necessary information on the Internet. Online encyclopedias will be of great help to you.


Study battle maps with the utmost care. On exams there is a task where you will need to name the battle and its dates on the map, so knowing not only the outcome of the battle, but also the process itself, will bring you extra points.


Get ready to read a lot. History is not a subject that can be learned simply by solving tests. Theoretical knowledge plays an important role in passing the GIA and the Unified State Examination. Therefore, be patient and try to read as much as possible.


Do not try to learn the story by simply solving the tests. Of course, you should sometimes train, but do not get involved in this.

Useful advice

If it is difficult for you to learn the story yourself, use the services of a tutor or sign up for coursework.

Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements