How to write an essay on the topic of vacation

How to write an essay on the topic of vacation
How to write an essay on the topic of vacation

Video: Write an essay on holiday || Essay writing on holiday in english 2024, July

Video: Write an essay on holiday || Essay writing on holiday in english 2024, July

A composition about the holidays is one of the types of creative work of a schoolboy. The techniques for writing a coherent text begin to be taught already in the lower grades. Vacation essays that are recommended for children are usually not difficult, as they relate to the life of the child and his family. Therefore, the main thing that a teacher should focus on is how to write creative work.

Instruction manual


Decide which event you will be writing about. This should be the most vivid memory that I want to tell not only to the teacher, but also to friends. You can write about holidays in a sanatorium or in a village with your grandmother, about a trip to the sea or an interesting excursion, about a walk in the forest or a camping trip with an overnight stay. A story about a funny adventure will also correspond to the proposed topic.


It is better to start work on the text of the essay “from the end”, i.e. after the chosen topic, determine the main idea that will sound in the conclusion. If you can answer the question of why exactly you wanted to talk about this event, then the goal of the work has been achieved.


Having defined the main idea, think about what type of speech to choose for writing an essay. If you want to talk about an event, then state the material in chronological sequence. The chosen type of speech is narration. If you are describing something that amazed you extraordinarily, then this type of speech is called a description.


Set out all your thoughts in a draft. From the recorded material, select theses for the plan. Please note that any plan cannot contain less than three points that correspond to the introduction, the main part and the conclusion.


Write an essay on the created plan so as not to violate the chronology of the events described. At the same time, “decorate” your work with visual and expressive means to make the text bright and memorable. Such an essay is pleasant to read and easy to evaluate.


Having written the final version of the essay, correlate the content of the creative work with the plan, check whether the text is divided into paragraphs, and whether the main idea is formulated. When checking, try to get rid of unjustified lexical repetition, replacing some expressions with synonyms.


Rewrite the essay on a clean copy.