How to write a review of a term paper

How to write a review of a term paper
How to write a review of a term paper

Video: Term Paper Format (Example, Outline) 2024, July

Video: Term Paper Format (Example, Outline) 2024, July

The review of the course work includes a detailed description of the study conducted by the student, reasoned comments, if during the reading there were defects, and a recommended rating.

You will need

  • - course work;

  • - writing instruments.

Instruction manual


Read the coursework twice before writing a review. Carefully study the text of the work for violations of the structure of the narrative and stylistic errors. A check for plagiarism and establish the reliability of the facts should be the supervisor. Your task is to characterize the work based on certain criteria, make available comments and give recommendations for its evaluation.


Course work should consist of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and list of references. In certain cases, an application takes place. The introduction must necessarily include a description of the goals, objectives and methods used in this work. And in conclusion, the student needs to indicate how these goals were realized. If this principle is not observed in the course work, describe in detail all the inconsistencies in your review.


Pay particular attention to the information content and the depth of the demonstrated knowledge. If the term paper does not have any reasoned conclusions, and instead of your own research official statistics are presented, reflect this fact in the review, followed by a decrease in the recommended score.


Indicate also whether the style of presentation of the material in this term paper scientific style of speech. Often, studies of humanities students devoted to the analysis of artistic images and literary works are extremely subjective and emotional. This is expressed in the use of vocabulary, not characteristic of the scientific style. Indicate all these shortcomings in your comments.


When re-reading a term paper, check the correspondence of the number of authors in the list of references with footnotes in the work itself. A student, conducting research, must use at least twenty books (these can be monographs, dictionaries, reference books, textbooks). But, having not mastered such a volume of literature, the student can simply add some authors to the list, and there will not be any in the footnotes on the course pages. For this, you should also lower the recommended rating.

coursework review example