How to write an ege letter in English

How to write an ege letter in English
How to write an ege letter in English

The Unified State Examination in English is aimed at testing students' knowledge on four indicators: grammar and vocabulary skills, reading, listening and writing. The statistics of past years show that the greatest difficulties the examinees experience in the letter section. It consists of two parts - a detailed statement on a certain topic and a response to a personal letter.

Instruction manual


What is a personal letter ? The assignment will provide an excerpt from a letter from your imaginary pen pal. Typically, the passage contains some news or information, as well as several questions to the addressee. When writing a letter within the framework of the USE, it is necessary to adhere to a clear format. First of all, you need to put your answer in 100-140 words with a tolerance of 10%. If your letter does not reach the established volume, then you get insulting 0 points. If you write a longer letter, only part of the text will be evaluated.


A friendly letter begins with a greeting. The most common form of greeting in English is Dear, for example, Dear John or Dear Mary. After the greeting, you must put a comma, otherwise you will be deducted points for writing the letter. Greeting is written in the upper left corner of the form on a separate line. After the greeting, you must skip one line. The second paragraph of the letter always begins with gratitude. You must thank your friend for writing to you. Gratitude can be expressed as follows: "I was very glad to hear from you", "Thank you for your letter", "I am so glad to receive your letter" and so on.


After gratitude comes the main part of the letter, in which you should respond to the information received in the passage and answer all the questions posed. For example, you could write “In your letter you asked me about my winter holidays. Well, I had a very good time! ”. Do not forget to show mutual interest in your addressee. For example, ask how he is doing. You can use the following phrases: "What's new with you?", "How are you doing?", "How are you?"


The last paragraph of your letter should include the final sentence, for example, "Write soon", "I will write again soon" and so on. On a separate line, your signature is placed with a friendly appeal, for example, "Love", "Best wishes", "Love you so much". After this treatment, a comma is required. Your name is written on the last line without any punctuation.

Useful advice

- try to use more informal phrases in the letter;

- at the end, check the letter for grammar, spelling or punctuation errors.

ehe in english