How to write a practice diary

How to write a practice diary
How to write a practice diary

Video: How to Keep a Practice Journal | Tips for Classical Musicians 2024, July

Video: How to Keep a Practice Journal | Tips for Classical Musicians 2024, July

Often the writing of a practice diary is postponed "until later", the practice passes, the memories of it disappear with the beginning of study … But sooner or later, the practice diary must be taken. What to do if you safely forget to write it?

You will need

  • a pen;

  • the presence of practice;

  • a diary.

Instruction manual


The practice diary, in contrast to the practice report, is a brief record of the actions performed at the practice site. It is supposed to lead every day. It should look like a tablet consisting of three columns. The first column is the date (days of practice), the second is the action itself, the third is the signature of the practice leader. At the end of the practice, its leader (i.e. the person who directly gave you instructions) must sign up for each day of your practice.


There are three types of practice - orientation, production and undergraduate. During an introductory practice, the student usually simply observes the work of the department of the company or institution in which he passes it, looks at samples of the simplest documents, and performs simple tasks. Most likely, he performs approximately the same actions every day. Therefore, it will be quite acceptable if every day he will record a set of approximately similar actions. They do not need to be described in too much detail (it is better to write "copying contracts" than "copying a contract of sale, delivery and commission"). But to be limited to two or three words (and even less abbreviations) is also not worth it.


During the practical training, the student is expected to take part in the work of the department of the company or institution where the training takes place. It would also be nice for him to start picking up material for a future diploma. This should be reflected in the diary - along with the functions described above. For example, a law student who is about to write a diploma in copyright can be written about studying copyright contracts.


The essence of undergraduate practice is the collection of material for a future diploma, especially if it needs to reflect some minimal practical research. In the practice diary, you can focus on research functions (if you take the same example with a law student, you can write about the analysis of court cases in disputes related to copyright).


As a rule, it is required that the head of practice (or an authorized employee of the company) put the company seal on the practice diary. This should not be forgotten, since at the department a diary of practice without printing may not be accepted.


Welcome to the section: "Student diaries in practice"! What does this subsection bring to your attention? Firstly, all the most necessary information about the rules for compiling diaries for practical training, as well as the requirements for trainees during their writing and filling.

Useful advice

The basis for admission to the set-off is the properly designed diaries and a practice report submitted to the head of the university department. As a result of protecting the practice report, the student receives an offset with an assessment. NOTE: Students who have not completed internship or have not completed the requirements of the internship program will be expelled from the university.

  • How to write a practice diary
  • practice diary