How to translate Japanese characters

How to translate Japanese characters
How to translate Japanese characters

Video: How to Translate Japanese to English (Any Language) 2024, July

Video: How to Translate Japanese to English (Any Language) 2024, July

In terms of writing, Japanese is one of the most difficult. It combines two types of alphabet: hiragana and katakana and hieroglyphic writing, borrowed from the Chinese language. Moreover, Japanese characters are more complex in writing than Chinese characters, since a written reform was carried out in China.

Instruction manual


To translate Japanese characters that exist electronically (if you copied the character from a Japanese text or website), find the Japanese-Russian online dictionary or translator. To find out only the meaning of the hieroglyph, just use the Google translator. If you also need to know how to read the character, find the Japanese-Russian dictionary.


If your characters are a picture, and it is impossible to enter them into a Google translator or online dictionary, it will take more time to translate. Consider the character. You can try to find them in the lists of Japanese characters. If your characters mean any wishes (happiness, love, money, prosperity), then they can be found on the Internet in Japanese wish lists. You can also see a list of the main Japanese characters on the website


If you come across uncommon hieroglyphs, and you cannot find them in the lists, then use the dictionaries with the so-called manual search or manual input. It can be an online dictionary or a program that includes a manual input function. In a special window, you need to draw your hieroglyphs that the program recognizes by issuing their translation and reading.


There is another way to learn the translation of the Japanese character without using a dictionary. For this, standard Windows operating system tools with installed Japanese language support are sufficient. Open any text editor, click on the language selection icon and select Japanese (JP).


Click on this icon again and select "Display Language Bar". In the panel on the IME Pad menu, select Hand Writing, a window will open in which you can draw a character with the mouse. The computer will recognize the picture and offer several options to choose from.


Compare the proposed options with yours and select the appropriate one. Click on the icon with the hieroglyph, and it will be inserted into the document. Next, translate the character as described in the first paragraph.


If you know how your characters are read, they can be found in reading dictionaries. An online dictionary will display hieroglyphic options. In ordinary dictionaries there is a search for hieroglyphs for reading.

Useful advice

When entering a character in the manual input window, try to write it clearly and as closely as possible to the original.

how to translate Japanese yourself