How to make a direct speech

How to make a direct speech
How to make a direct speech

Video: How to write direct speech 2024, July

Video: How to write direct speech 2024, July

An alien utterance can be conveyed using indirect or direct speech. Making the latter on the letter can be difficult, because punctuation depends on the location of the author’s context in relation to direct speech.

Instruction manual


If the author’s words are located before the direct speech, then put a colon after them, open the quotation marks, and write a direct speech with a capital letter. At the end of direct speech, quotation marks are placed after the question mark or exclamation mark, and quotation marks are closed in the narrative sentence and a period is enclosed.

Examples: Andrei said: "I will play now."

He asked: "What are you doing?"

He exclaimed: "How beautiful the view from the window!"


If the direct speech precedes the author’s words, enclose it in quotation marks, start with a capital letter, put a dash, and write the author’s words with a small letter, a dot is placed at the end of the sentence. Exclamation and question marks after direct speech always put in quotation marks, a comma in direct speech without emotional coloring - after quotation marks and before the dash.

Examples: “I will play now, ” Andrei said.

"What are you doing?" - he asked.

"How beautiful the view from the window!" he exclaimed.


Direct speech may be interrupted by copyright words. In this case, open and close the quotation marks once, write a direct speech with a capital letter, put a comma and a dash at the end of its first part, write the author’s words with a lowercase letter, put a comma and a dash after them:

"Direct speech, - the author, - direct speech." Note that a comma is placed after the words of authorship, and direct speech begins with a small letter. For example: "Go on, " the girl said, "I follow you."

"Direct speech, - the author. - Direct speech." For example: “I'll come to visit in the evening, ” he said. “We need to seriously talk.”

"Direct speech! (?) - Author. - Direct speech." For example: “What a beautiful day, isn’t it?” Asked Katya. “I sincerely admire nature.”


Direct speech is located inside the author’s words. In this case, place the punctuation marks in the following patterns:

Author: "Direct Speech", - the author.

Example. He muttered: “I really want to sleep, ” and immediately fell asleep.

Author: "Direct Speech! (?)" - author.

Example. I heard a voice from the lobby: "How can this be?" - and Sergey Petrovich entered the room.

Posted by: "Direct Speech

"- author.

Example. The captain said: "The breeze would blow now

"- and fixed his gaze at sea.


Making a dialogue is possible in one of the following ways: All lines are written in one line, the author’s words between which are missing. A dash separates each replica enclosed in quotation marks.

Example. For several minutes they walked in silence. Elizabeth asked: "How long will you be absent?" - "Two months". - "Will you call or write me?" - "Yes of course!"

Each subsequent line is written on a new line, with a dash in front of it. Quotation marks are not used in this case.


“Are you cold, Catherine?” asked Ivan Petrovich.

- Not.

- Let's go to the cafe.

- Good.


Clearance quotes:

- The quote is written in one of the ways of direct speech.

Example. Belinsky believed: "Literature is the consciousness of the people, the color and fruit of their spiritual life."

- Part of the quote is not given, and its omission is marked by an ellipsis.

Example. Goncharov wrote: "All Chatsky’s words will be spread … and will produce a storm."

- The quote is an integral part of the author's text. In this case, it is written with a lowercase letter and is enclosed in quotation marks.

Example. Belinsky notes that Pushkin has an amazing ability to "make poetic the most prosaic subjects."

- The poetic text should be quoted without quotes, observing the lines and stanzas.

  • how direct speech is made
  • Basic rules for writing dialogs