How to arrange a research work

How to arrange a research work
How to arrange a research work

Video: How to Get Started With a Research Project l how to write research project 2024, July

Video: How to Get Started With a Research Project l how to write research project 2024, July

Any student work must satisfy the general requirements for writing research papers. In addition to the requirements for the content, relevance and validity of the conclusions, the correct execution of the work is of no small importance.

Instruction manual


The text of the research work should not contain stylistic, spelling and grammatical errors. The total volume of the main part of the work should be no more than 30-35 pages. Print text at 1.5 intervals, font size 14. Number the pages in Arabic numerals. Put the number in the upper right corner.


Place the main diagrams, tables and graphs as you write. Place additional materials in the appendix. Tables number sequentially in Arabic letters within the section. When moving part of the table to the next sheet, write the word "continued."


Strictly follow the consistent way to link to sources. Direct quotation must be enclosed in quotation marks.


On the title page at the top, indicate the organization where your research work is done. In the middle of the sheet, write the name of your topic, indicating the type of research work (diploma, term paper). Below on the right is the surname, name and patronymic, the supervisor - Name position, title. At the bottom of the title page, put the place of work and the year. Take a sample of the exact form from the methodologist of your institution. Make a table of contents. Each section with a page number.


The following is an introduction in which formulate the relevance, purpose and objectives of the study. Indicate the research methods that were used when writing. Familiarity with the introduction will allow you to get an idea about the topic of your work.


The main part of the research work should reflect: the validity of the chosen direction of research, the method of solving the problem, the nature and content of the research, their relevance to the goal. Start each chapter with a new page.


The conclusion contains brief conclusions on the results of your research and suggestions for their practical use.


Start the application with a new sheet. Indicate the word "application" at the top right. The application must have a title. The numbering of pages of scientific work and applications should be cross-cutting.


List the used literature in alphabetical order of the names of the authors.