How to make a practice diary

How to make a practice diary
How to make a practice diary

Video: How to Organize your Practice (for Musicians) | PRACTICE JOURNAL DIY 2024, July

Video: How to Organize your Practice (for Musicians) | PRACTICE JOURNAL DIY 2024, July

A diary on industrial or educational practice is a small brochure that contains information about the tasks and work performed by the student during the internship. It is completed independently and signed by the head of practice. Together with the report, the diary is submitted for verification after completion of work.

Instruction manual


Each educational institution, as a rule, presents its requirements for the design of a diary for practice. However, there are certain rules that all universities adhere to.


The title page of the diary should contain information about the trainee: last name, first name, middle name, name of the specialty, faculty, group number, sequence number of the course. In addition, the title page should indicate the name of the enterprise or organization where the student is going.


The next sheet is the period of the internship, the department where the student worked, last name, first name and patronymic of the head of practice.


This is followed by a table in which the following headings are indicated: date, content of the work, the results obtained, the signature of the head, notes (it can describe the difficulties encountered during the work, ways to solve them). Counts are filled daily as practice progresses. After the work done, the student enters the information in the diary and gives it to the leader for signature, who checks the accuracy of the information and the correctness of filling. At the end of the diary, the head, as a rule, writes a characterization for the student, notes his skills, level of training and professional qualities.


On the last page of the diary is signed by the head of the practice and the seal of the organization. The student, along with the report, submits for verification to the supervisor of the educational institution, which reviews it and signs it.


The report is presented on 10-15 pages of handwritten text. More detailed information can be found in the 4th section of the student’s memo in practice "Report Preparation Procedure". An electronic version of the report and diary is not necessary; drawings and diagrams should be printed in A4 format.

Useful advice

RULES FOR THE DIARY OF PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE The diary should reflect all the educational, educational and methodical work of the student during the period of teaching practice. In it, in the "analysis" section, personal impressions should be recorded, as well as your attitude to the observed. The trainee should always have a diary with him for systematic entries throughout the working day (4-5 hours).

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