How to teach a foreign language

How to teach a foreign language
How to teach a foreign language

Video: How to start teaching a language online in 2020 (subs) 2024, July

Video: How to start teaching a language online in 2020 (subs) 2024, July

Today, there are hundreds of methods of teaching a foreign language. Everyone chooses for himself how to study. Some programs are ineffective, others are gaining immense popularity. However, there are a number of general principles for teaching a foreign language.

You will need

  • - educational materials

  • - computer

Instruction manual


It is necessary to start learning a foreign language from childhood. Only in this case will it be given easily and naturally.

If you yourself speak a foreign language, start educating your child literally from birth. Do not worry that he will confuse the words. It has long been proven that bilingual children are much more developed than their peers, and in the future it is easier to absorb any information.

Just use phrases in a foreign language in everyday life. As soon as the child begins to speak his native language, regularly play games with him in another language. Practice naming surrounding objects in two languages. Make it a rule to conduct one of the daily rituals (dressing, bathing) completely in a foreign language.

If you do not know the language well, learn it in parallel with the child. But at the same time, find a specialist who will control your pronunciation and the grammatical construction of phrases.


Learning materials are already needed for an older student, because learning a foreign language is not limited to colloquial vocabulary. Grammar, spelling, listening, perception of the text - all this can be obtained by mastering a specialized foreign course. Get a quality self study guide. In addition, today instead of the usual courses and tutors, you can choose the available online lessons.

Choose the appropriate course on the Internet and invite the child to give him 20-30 minutes a day. This is enough to quickly and easily learn the language. Find like-minded people from other countries with whom you can communicate via skype or icq, practicing speaking.


The most effective way to teach a foreign language is to immerse yourself in the environment. Your task, as a teacher or parent, is to create this environment. A foreign language should surround the student everywhere. Connect cable or satellite TV with foreign channels (daily viewing of the news block perfectly enriches the vocabulary). Read books, watch movies and cartoons in a foreign language. But most importantly, teach your child or student to speak. This is best practiced with native speakers. If possible, arrange regular internships or simply travel to the country of the language being studied. A prerequisite is the absence of Russian-speaking "assistants" who will translate and speak for the child. Best of all - a peer company in which he will simply be forced to start speaking a foreign language, and as a result will master it extremely quickly.


You can not teach a child by force. If he has no desire, it is better to take a break for several months. Otherwise, you risk permanently disgusting a foreign language.

Useful advice

Present the idea of ​​learning a foreign language as something natural. Demonstrate to your child how interesting and useful it is to speak another language, and what prospects it opens up for the future.

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