How to indicate spelling

How to indicate spelling
How to indicate spelling

Video: English Spelling Rules - Learn Spelling Rules and Common Mistakes 2024, July

Video: English Spelling Rules - Learn Spelling Rules and Common Mistakes 2024, July

Often at school, the teacher asks for spelling in words. But what is a spelling and how to find it? In addition, how to highlight it? Check out the following guidelines to help you.

Instruction manual


A spelling is a certain spelling of a word based on the rules of the Russian language. Simply put, if you doubt how to write a word, and this happens if a letter or combination of letters is in a weak position, then you are dealing with a spelling.

For example, spelling based on the distinction between deaf and voiced paired consonants at the root or end of a word. In order to spell this word correctly, you need to change the form or choose a cognate word so that the letter is in a strong position.

For example, in the word "oak" you highlight the root of the word (in this case it will be the whole word) and you see that the letter B is in a weak position, since you hear the paired consonant P.

Therefore, this spelling must be checked, that is, this letter is a spelling. You need to emphasize the letter B, highlight the root in the word. So you select the spelling. It is called "Writing deaf consonants at the root of the word."


Change the shape of the word and pick up the cognate.

For instance:

Oak - Oaks

You see that now after the letter B there is a vowel consonant, and she is in a strong position. The spelling corresponds to the pronunciation. There is no spelling in Oaks.


Spelling can be in different parts of the word: prefix, root, suffix, ending. If you saw the spelling, and you need to highlight it, indicate the part of the word in which it is located, as well as graphically explain the spelling.

For example, if you are dealing with the spelling "Alternating unstressed vowels at the root of the word", then you must highlight the root, emphasize the vowel at the root (this is the spelling).

So, in the word "located" in the root of the "boxes", the orthogram is the spelling of the letter O. Select the root, underline the letter O with one stroke, and also the letter Zh with two, since the spelling of this alternating unstressed vowel depends on the subsequent consonant.


In the word "located" the spelling is also the spelling of the prefix. Select it, underline the letter C and the subsequent consonant P, since the spelling depends on whether the voiced or deaf consonant is after the prefix. Underline the letter C with one line, and P with two lines.


The spelling in the prefix "to" should be noted in the same word. Highlight the prefix and underline the letter O.

Thus, you see that in the word located it is necessary to select several spelling symbols at once.

Do not be lazy to indicate spelling, as this will help you write words correctly.

spelling words in root