How to learn poetry

How to learn poetry
How to learn poetry

Video: Everything you need to write a poem (and how it can save a life) | Daniel Tysdal | TEDxUTSC 2024, July

Video: Everything you need to write a poem (and how it can save a life) | Daniel Tysdal | TEDxUTSC 2024, July

Schoolchildren, students of humanitarian universities and people of creative professions are directly faced with the problem of memorizing poems. However, anyone can be puzzled by this if he decided to train his memory.

You will need

Memorization poem, sheet of paper, pen

Instruction manual


To get started, prepare a place where you will learn a poem. You can do this while lying, sitting or pacing the room, each process is individual. However, the only rule that should be observed is complete silence. In peace and silence, without being distracted by anything, you have a chance to learn the work much faster.


First read the poem completely several times. The first reading is an introduction to the material. The second and subsequent ones are deeper. Try to imagine the pictures that you see when reading what this text carries to you. This can be a description of nature, events (war, for example), dialogue or conversation of several characters, etc.


Break the work into several short sections, paragraphs. Usually a poem is divided into parts with four lines in each. It is in parts that you will begin to memorize. Read the first four lines a few times at normal speed, then try to play them from memory. If you have any difficulties, look at the text. Bring this part to full memorization and move on to the next. When reading from memory, imagine what you are talking about.


After you learn the second four lines - repeat the first and second paragraph together. If in doubt, look at the text. Next, go to the third part. Thus, learning one part and repeating a poem from the very beginning, you will master the whole work.


After the first memorization, take a short break, be distracted by any business. After it, read the poem again from beginning to end and try to repeat it.


If you do not remember well, you can give yourself a hint and keep it at your fingertips all the time. To do this, you need to write in the column the first one or two words of each line. As soon as a difficulty arises, take a look at a piece of paper and instantly remember the whole line.

How to learn poetry