How to talk properly

How to talk properly
How to talk properly

Video: How To Speak CLEARLY And Confidently 3 Tricks 2024, July

Video: How To Speak CLEARLY And Confidently 3 Tricks 2024, July

The first impression of a person is made up by clothes, and the second, of course, depends on how he speaks. A lot depends on this skill in a person’s life. Those who quickly find a common language with others go through life easily, make new acquaintances without difficulty, and build a career. But you can easily learn this.

Instruction manual


The first step is to record your speech on the recorder and listen to it carefully. This way you can find out all your pros and cons and understand what you have to work on. Such voice recorders should become regular for you.


Make it a rule to exercise every day in a calm environment in front of the mirror. You can read some text, recite a poem, or just talk to yourself.


Pay attention to the parasite words that are found in the speech of any person. If it’s hard for you to get rid of them, try replacing them with synonyms. Also eradicate slang and slang expressions from your speech. Well, the mat, of course, in the speech of any person simply should not be.


Pay attention to how you express yourself. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand a person who speaks too abstruse. Therefore, try to express yourself as simply as possible.


Sometimes you do not have enough words to explain something. This indicates that your vocabulary is very small. To do this, read more books, especially classical literature. When you watch TV shows, listen to the radio, read articles, pay attention to unfamiliar words. Write them down and find out the meanings.


It is very important to correctly place the stress in words. Use the dictionary to make sure that you speak correctly. Let him become your inseparable friend.


Sometimes the reason that you cannot relate the two words may be just excitement. How to overcome it? If this is a banal lack of experience in speaking to the crowd, then it will go through two or three similar exits. Well, if you are simply afraid of a large number of people and attention to yourself, then you will need to conduct psychological work. Ask yourself that you don’t need to be afraid of people - you are expected to have self-confidence and an interesting dialogue from you. A slight excitement should always be present.