How to learn to typeset

How to learn to typeset
How to learn to typeset

Video: Simple Tutorial Cleaning & Typesetting Manhua 2024, July

Video: Simple Tutorial Cleaning & Typesetting Manhua 2024, July

You decided to try your hand at design and graphic layout. Get ready for lengthy and sometimes exhausting work, both with computer programs and with your own visual perception. Therefore, in order to make up a beautiful and "correct" layout of any printed matter, you need to follow some training steps

You will need

InDegign program, Internet, specialized literature.

Instruction manual


Download layout software. You can start to make-up in absolutely any graphic editor. If you decide to do this business at a fairly high professional level, go directly to the layout program.


The simplest and most functional at the moment can be called the program Adobe InDesign. Download it from the official resource or from free sites, however, a pirated version. But remember that launching a large project using unlicensed resources will not work for you.


Download a few video tutorials explaining the basic functions of the tools and how to use them. Unlike most regular video editors, you don’t have to watch a few hundred videos to “understand” the program. In less than a week, you will be able to master almost everything you need for a set of knowledge. Further, only practice.


Download magazines in PDF format and try to repeat. To develop a style and a certain "taste", first try to recreate those effects and collages that have already earned recognition from the public. The real works of art in the layout world can be called the magazines "Around the World" and "GEO".


Read specialized literature. Now there are a lot of books telling about the basic laws of layout - how to build a composition, how to place a larger photo than one column of text, and how the number of columns affects the reader. These and many other laws have long been described in an easy and accessible way.


Create your own note book. The main abbreviations, complex effects, layout laws that cannot be violated for a pleasant reading, and much more, write in your notebook. Break its contents, make colorful bookmarks so that you can easily find the section you are interested in. Do not waste extra time filling up typos and blots. This is your personal summary and its appearance is not so important.

Useful advice

Sit down as often as possible. Many processes for successful work should be brought to automaticity. And the more often you do the same job, the better and faster you can do it.