How to learn to speak Russian correctly

How to learn to speak Russian correctly
How to learn to speak Russian correctly

Video: Russian lessons – Lesson 1 – Tips, goals and Russian alphabet | Russian language 2024, July

Video: Russian lessons – Lesson 1 – Tips, goals and Russian alphabet | Russian language 2024, July

The Russian language is one of the most complex and peculiar languages ​​in the world, so learning to speak it correctly is a rather difficult task even for a native speaker. But there is nothing unattainable, especially if you set a goal and make a certain amount of effort. So how do you master it perfectly?

You will need

Teaching aids, fiction, practice.

Instruction manual


Read books, both traditional, paper, and electronic. As a rule, those people who have read a lot of different literature in their life, starting from the masterpieces of classics, ending with encyclopedias and contemporary fiction, communicate best in Russian. In addition, reading improves written literacy, which is important. Currently, audio books are widespread, listening to which, you can significantly replenish your vocabulary and learn a lot of new and interesting about the features of Russian speech.


Maintain relationships with a large number of people regularly. Meet them, call up, communicate via the Internet. This will allow you to hone your language skills in a practical way. Try not to use parasitic words, template expressions, slang and curses in your speech. It is better to replace all speech "garbage" with literary speech. Learn how to correctly build sentences so that you can understand the interlocutor. When talking about something, try to replace repeating words with synonyms.


Find one or more mentors whose conversation makes a positive impression on you. Encourage them to share valuable secrets with you, thanks to which they were able to master the Russian language. Practice with them in conversations and discussions on various topics, as well as in other verbal battles.


Start your creativity. Composing poems, stories, miniatures, slogans perfectly develops thinking and communication skills. From time to time, return to unfinished and finished works, “polish” them and bring them to perfection.


Before speaking, think through the whole phrase in your mind. Gradually, this process will begin to take less and less time. Weigh every word. Your task is to learn to express your own thoughts effectively, competently and in a peculiar way, depending on the specific listener. In other words, a certain flexibility is needed, an individual approach to the interlocutor.


Do not be afraid of mistakes, all the same, you cannot completely insure against them. Better to act and make mistakes than inaction. Monitor your speech misses by recording conversations on the recorder and try to avoid them afterwards.

Useful advice

If you don’t like to study something on your own, sign up for group courses in Russian or oratory, which will help you finally start to be proud of your speech.