How to learn to speak correctly and beautifully

How to learn to speak correctly and beautifully
How to learn to speak correctly and beautifully

Video: How To Speak CLEARLY And Confidently 3 Tricks 2024, July

Video: How To Speak CLEARLY And Confidently 3 Tricks 2024, July

Proper literate speech, a well-set voice open many previously closed doors. For example, at such an important event as passing the exam, it is important to clearly speak, not to mumble, then if the examiners have doubts, your submission of an answer will incline their voices in your favor. Therefore, if you have such a crucial event in the next couple of months, start preparing for it now.

Instruction manual


The success of public speaking depends on many factors. You need to think through everything to the smallest detail. First, consider how you will begin your presentation and how it will end. At the very beginning, you need to attract the attention of the audience and tell briefly what they will hear about in your speech. Use key phrases, speak simple, without complex verbal constructions. Secondly, the body of your presentation should contain a reasonable disclosure of the questions that you posed to the audience at the beginning. You should be ready to answer questions at any time.


In addition to the soundness of the speech, you should have a rich vocabulary. Try to avoid patterns and speech stamps in speech. No slang and parasite words. Fewer new borrowed words, especially if they are easily replaced by common ones. All this interferes with the perception of information. To get rid of garbage words, when communicating with friends, enter penalties for using them. It is best to apply a fine that will benefit your business of mastering correct and beautiful speech. For example, rewrite the page of a classic pen novel.


The third success factor is diction. Speak tongue twisters to improve it. The classic trick is to fill your mouth with nuts and talk with them, you can also pronounce tongue twisters at a different pace. If you cannot understand what speech defects you need to overcome, write down your speech or an excerpt from any book. When you listen, notice all the flaws for yourself and correct your mistakes. Common problems are uncontrolled changes in the tone of voice, swallowing endings.


If you have a problem with the timbre of your voice, then try using breathing exercises. If the upper part of the chest rises, then you have chest breathing. It is weak, starting to act, you quickly suffocate. With diaphragmatic breathing, the stomach rises. To learn how to breathe through the diaphragm, sing regularly, stretching notes to the limit of your lungs. Another exercise - take a few short breaths exhaling, acting with the abdominal muscles, they need to push the air out.


And in conclusion, I would like to focus on the confidence of speech. Even after completing all the recommendations, you can feel how fear fetters you. This is natural in public speaking, but it can be overcome. Before the performance, knead not only the face, but also the body - exercise will prepare your body. Take a few deep breaths. At the very moment of the performance, straighten your shoulders and straighten your back so as not to pinch your breath. So you can quickly deal with the excitement

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learn to speak beautifully