How to learn to speak Ukrainian

How to learn to speak Ukrainian
How to learn to speak Ukrainian

Video: Learn Ukrainian - 1000 Ukrainian Phrases for Beginners 2024, July

Video: Learn Ukrainian - 1000 Ukrainian Phrases for Beginners 2024, July

Not only in Ukraine, but around the world as a whole, about fifty million people speak this language. If you wish, you can learn Ukrainian in a short period of time and even speak it fluently.

Instruction manual


Please note: in order to speak the language (it doesn’t matter, in Ukrainian or some other language), you must have a sufficient vocabulary. Therefore, your first step should be to study individual words and phrases. For this, they are suitable as electronic dictionaries that are on the Internet, but also ordinary ones (they can be bought at a bookstore or borrowed from a library). By the way, it’s not at all necessary to purchase a large edition, you don’t need it yet. For starters, a pocket dictionary is also suitable, which will contain the most necessary materials.


At the same time, train and pronunciation, remember how each word is read. The transcription specified in the dictionary opposite the word or a special audio application will help you with this (it can be sold separately or right away with the book). To better remember what you are reading, say everything out loud.


Separate audio courses aimed at simultaneously replenishing the vocabulary and knowledge of a regional geographic character can also help in working out the pronunciation. The content of such materials are, as a rule, dialogues in the language (often with subsequent translation into Russian), monologues on a specific topic. To consolidate the past, and at the same time to get used to the sound of the speech of native speakers should be by watching movies in Ukrainian or listening to Ukrainian radio stations.


Remember that it is impossible to learn to speak a foreign language without knowledge of at least the basic rules of grammar. You need to know how to build sentences, know the word order in both the narrative and the interrogative sentence, do not forget about prepositions, ways of declension of nouns and conjugation of verbs. Otherwise, without this you will not associate a single word with each other.


Real-time communication with a native speaker or with someone who, like you, is learning Ukrainian can help improve your knowledge of the language. Finding a like-minded person is now easy thanks to the numerous forums on the Internet.

Useful advice

Practice a little, but daily (without constant practice, you will not be able to really speak Ukrainian).

we speak Ukrainian