How to learn to be an accountant

How to learn to be an accountant
How to learn to be an accountant

Video: Learn Accounting in 1 HOUR First Lesson: Debits and Credits 2024, July

Video: Learn Accounting in 1 HOUR First Lesson: Debits and Credits 2024, July

One of the most sought-after professions today is the profession of an accountant. However, the quality support of financial transactions is impossible without professional education.

Instruction manual


Get a professional education. This can be done at a college, technical school or university, but at the initial stage there will be quite enough good courses.


Find out at what courses in your city you can master accounting in the required amount. Typically, courses are divided into:

- specialized courses specializing only in accounting;

- courses at universities, giving a good theoretical basis;

- Courses in multidisciplinary training centers that focus on practical exercises.

Consider all possible options, find out what programs are being taught, talk with graduates. If you do not have the opportunity to pay tuition fees, because you are temporarily not working, contact the labor exchange, register and receive a referral to free courses in accounting or 1C.


In parallel with the lessons in the courses, you can study on your own by buying in a store, ordering at or taking beginner's manuals in the library, such as "Incubator for an accountant. From zero to balance" E. Yu. Dirkova, " The ABC of an accountant: from advance to balance. " A good help at first, both in study and in work, for you will be the pocket mini-guide "Accounting Theory" by T. A. Korneeva and G. A. Shatunova.


In addition to full-time courses, you can take distance learning in one of the well-known courses. Refer to one of the sites that implement distance programs, for example, at ("How to become a chief accountant in 10 steps"), register and get the first free lesson. If this course is really what you need, pay for the tuition. As part of the course, you will be able to master both theory and practice, learn how to draw up primary documentation. Upon completion, you will be issued a certificate.


At the end of courses in a small company, settle down as an assistant accountant or even an accountant to get initial experience of continuous work with documents and eventually become a sought-after specialist.