How to write a conclusion to the abstract

How to write a conclusion to the abstract
How to write a conclusion to the abstract

Video: How to Write a Clear & Concise Abstract | Scribbr πŸŽ“ 2024, July

Video: How to Write a Clear & Concise Abstract | Scribbr πŸŽ“ 2024, July

The ability to write quality essays greatly facilitates the life of a student and schoolchild. Particular attention in the execution of work needs to be paid to the final conclusion, since it is this part of the abstract that contains the final results of your research activity.

Instruction manual


Regardless of the topic, each essay has the following structure: introduction, main body (it is divided into chapters and paragraphs) and conclusion. As a rule, it is the debriefing in the last part of the work that causes the greatest difficulties.


To deal with this quickly and easily, carefully think over the subject and object of the study, in fact, what you will write about. Set a common goal and a number of tasks, the solution of which will lead you to achieve the goal. Write this in the introduction to the abstract.


As the study progresses, draw clear conclusions after each chapter. They will help you to summarize the final result of the entire essay.


After the introduction and the main part are written, review all the main points and conclusions. In conclusion, once again indicate the purpose of the work and write down all its results. Do not reproduce the conclusions made by you in the main part, verbatim. Rephrase the text, supplement it with significant remarks that will create a general idea of ​​the subject of study. At the end of the final part, answer the question: was it possible to achieve the goal of the essay. This way you get a final and holistic analysis of all the work you have done.


Of particular note is the technical side of the final conclusions. Write concisely and clearly, try to avoid unnecessary details. The final part should not occupy more than 1-2 sheets of printed text. All applications to work, as well as a list of references and sources, have after the conclusion.


Try to avoid grammatical errors and typos in the text of the conclusion. Very often, teachers do not read the whole essay, but pay close attention only to the introduction and conclusions. Therefore, errors made in only one part can ruin the impression of the essay as a whole.

How to write an abstract yourself
