How to write a continuing education program

How to write a continuing education program
How to write a continuing education program

Video: Continuing Professional Development 2024, July

Video: Continuing Professional Development 2024, July

Any institution where children are educated and educated should work according to the program. This applies not only to secondary schools and kindergartens, but also to various circles, sections and studios. The principle of variability of the pedagogical process allows the use of various programs, including copyright and experimental ones. They must comply with Russian law. In addition, any program must be drawn up in accordance with the guidelines developed by the Ministry of Education.

You will need

- methodological developments on the topic.

Instruction manual


Any program begins with a title page. Indicate the full name of your continuing education institution. Write down the name of your program, where and by whom it was approved, as well as the age of the children and the period for which the program is designed. The title page should include the last name, first name and patronymic of the author or group of authors, the year of development and the city in which your institution is located. The title page is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-97


Write an explanatory note. It is necessary to indicate the focus of your circle or studio (aesthetic, tourist and regional studies, sports, etc.). Tell us how pedagogically appropriate your program is and what its novelty and relevance are. Tell us in detail about the age of the children and the timing of implementation. Briefly say what form you intend to conduct classes. Write what result you expect and how to check it.


Make a curriculum-thematic plan. This is a table showing the sections and topics of the course, as well as the number of hours to study them. The program, which is designed for several years, must be broken down by years of study. Indicate how many hours allotted for each topic will be used for theoretical and practical classes. In the system of additional education, unlike schools, there should be more practical exercises. The teacher himself distributes the hours of classes.


Describe the content of the educational process. Expand the content of the topics and sections that you have already indicated in the curriculum-thematic plan. Indicate the theoretical issues to be considered and the practical activities. The number of hours in this section is not necessary to write.


In the section "Methodological support" tell about the teaching methods. This section includes a description of the forms of classes on each topic, including such as conferences, seminars, excursions. Describe the methods of organizing the educational process, as well as the form of the final classes for each topic or section.


Make a list of references. It can consist of two parts. One list is used by the teacher in his work, the other is recommended to students. There may be a separate list for parents. The bibliographic index in this case is compiled in exactly the same way as when writing any other scientific papers. It is more convenient to draw up an alphabetical list in which the surname and initials of the author, the name of the work, year and place of publication are indicated.


In the curriculum-thematic plan, separate hours are allocated for manning groups, introductory and final classes, concerts, exhibitions, competitions and other events.

If you are planning an excursion or a game, be sure to indicate this in the content of the educational process and indicate the place and time.

Questions that you are going to consider during the study of various topics in the content of the educational process must be written in the nominative case.

  • Guidelines for the development of continuing education programs
  • how to make additional work