How to write a teacher review

How to write a teacher review
How to write a teacher review

Video: FCE (B2 First) Writing Exam - How to Write a Review 2024, July

Video: FCE (B2 First) Writing Exam - How to Write a Review 2024, July

Depending on how the teacher teaches, whether he is presenting educational material, student performance depends. Therefore, if something does not suit you at the teacher or, conversely, want to praise his work, write a review about him.

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Thanks to the feedback about the shortcomings, the teacher will be recognized by a wide circle of the public, and the director will have to take action. But the review can be positive - in this case, you just do a pleasant good teacher, the efforts of which you appreciated.


Negative feedback. When you are not comfortable with the teaching methodology, you think that the teacher gives undeserved grades, then write a review. Take a sheet of A4 format, in the very top center write the name of the institution in which the teacher teaches, then two indents below - the word “review” in the center, another one and a half indent down - you can indicate a topic, for example: “Inappropriate fulfillment of professional duties by a teacher Petrova I.I. " The first lines of the review usually begin like this: "Petrova II, a teacher in mathematics, in the process of teaching in class No., established herself as an unscrupulous and incompetent specialist, demonstrating indifference to students (if the teacher did not notice a brewing conflict in the team), attitude towards students with prejudice (yesterday’s three-year-old doesn’t pass the Quartet exam, even if he is well prepared), the position is inconsistent (the teacher cannot explain the math rial to students). "Then you should describe in more detail the essence of the problem associated with this teacher, and at the end of the review make a note:" Please take action."


A positive review is not necessary to write in an official form. It will be much more pleasant for the teacher to hear a review of himself in poetic form. Compose funny quatrains on teacher teaching. Use his signature phrases and favorite expressions. The teacher will not only be pleased to show your attention to him, but it will also be useful to find out what the students think of him.


Do not write a review that is too large in volume - it should not exceed one A4 sheet. Feedback must be signed. Write in block letters your last name, initials and sign next to it.

teacher review