How to write a review on practice

How to write a review on practice
How to write a review on practice

A practice report is a student’s work that objectively shows the results of theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained during practical training at the enterprise. A review, or a report on practice, is written, as a rule, either during its passage or after.

You will need

  • - practice diary

  • - enterprise reporting

Instruction manual


In the review of the practice, note where you took it, the period of the passage, who was the head of the practice at the enterprise.


Indicate the goals set for the practice by your supervisor in the educational institution, in what ways they were achieved.


Describe the activities of the enterprise as a whole. To do this, you will need the help of the enterprise management, as they have access to the information that will be needed to analyze the operation of the enterprise.

If you are writing a report on practice in the field of economics, then analyze the financial activities of the enterprise, determine profitability, calculate the main ratios, study and reflect the dynamics of indicators in the recall. Do all this on the basis of statements that are kept by the chief accountant or director.

If the report is for the faculty of management, describe the structure of the enterprise, analyze the staff and basic methods used for personnel management, and tell us about the corporate culture.

For a marketing report, describe the activities of the marketing department, if any, in the enterprise. Perform an analysis of the market in which the company operates, explore competition, demand for products or services, and sales.

At the faculty of accounting and auditing, consider the methods used for accounting, do not forget to indicate the taxes that this company pays.

When writing a review on jurisprudence, describe the activities of the structures on the basis of which the practice took place, in addition, be sure to study the basic laws and codes of your specialization.

In the Humanities Report, review and explore the specific topic asked by the teacher at your school.


Describe the relationship with the team, with the head of practice, how you were perceived by other employees of the enterprise.


Next, write about what new information you received during the internship, what was interesting for you, and what were the difficulties. Are the tasks solved? Draw a conclusion by expressing general impressions of the practice.

Useful advice

Write a review during the internship, so you describe your activity accurately, do not miss the main thing, and if necessary, you can adjust the work in time.

  • How to write a practice report.
  • trainee reviews