How to write a practice report

How to write a practice report
How to write a practice report

Video: How to Write Effective Project Reports 2024, July

Video: How to Write Effective Project Reports 2024, July

You have more or less successfully completed an introductory, production or pre-diploma practice, now there is not much left - to submit a report on it to the department. But how to make it right? How not to overload it with unnecessary information, not spend the whole weekend writing, but at the same time present it in a decent form, especially if you are a potential candidate for a red diploma?

You will need

It is not difficult to write a report on the practice, even if the practice consisted of monitoring the work of employees of a particular organization. All you need is a couple of hours of time and simple logic.

Instruction manual


Much depends on what kind of practice you went through. When going through an orientation practice, a simple description of everything that you have learned will suffice. If, for example, you had a practice in a legal specialty, then describe in detail what the company in which you passed it does, what laws and other legal acts the employees gave you to read. Indicate that you were interested in the work of this company, do not forget to mention that you would like to further develop in the direction in which the company works (even if there is no such desire, because no one will test you on a lie detector at the department). At this stage, you need to show interest in acquiring practical skills in the specialty and a desire to develop.


A field trip report will be a little trickier. There is no longer enough "essay-description." During the internship, you are required to take an active part in the activities of the company. This may be the preparation of projects of simple documents, search and analysis of information on the Internet, writing articles - it all depends on the specialty. Describe this in detail and attach copies of at least a few of your works. Typically, a case report should include annexes.

Your goal in this case is to show that you have learned to apply at least some of the acquired knowledge in practice.


The report on the passage of undergraduate practice, in general, may coincide with the report on the passage of production. However, it is worth emphasizing also on exactly how practical training helped you in your work on your thesis. If you notice any situations illustrating the problem that you cover in the thesis, describe it.


It is not a secret that many of us "go through" the practice only formally. But the report must be submitted in any case. What to do in this case? Use links. Ask older students how they wrote the report? Are there any drafts? What are the requirements? The main thing to remember is that if you had an internship at a construction company, then you should not ask for a draft from someone who did it last year, for example, at a state institution, and take it, changing only the name and number of the group.

No matter how good and suitable the draft received from some “kind soul” may seem to you, be sure to “dilute” it with new information, since overly meticulous teachers can always remember that last year someone handed them the same job. Finding this new information is easy: you probably know what an entry-level specialist with your education can do. A win-win option is administrative and technical work, for example, preparing copies of documents, collecting information, proofreading. It may be suitable, as a last resort, and the wording "participated in such and such a project" with some detail.


A practice diary is usually attached to the practice report. This is a document in which the trainee in two or three sentences describes what exactly he did every day. Do not be lazy to lead him, he will help you remember many important details.

Useful advice

Your work is clearly structured.

The size of the report on the passage of familiarization practice is usually 3-5 pages, on the passage of production - 8-12 pages without attachments, about pre-diploma - 10-13 pages.

Do not forget about the formal thanks to the staff of the organization in which you did your internship, as well as to your university if you were sent to practice from him.