How to write a comment for the essay on the Russian language to the text of S. Kachalkova "How time changes people! Unrecognizable! ”

How to write a comment for the essay on the Russian language to the text of S. Kachalkova "How time changes people! Unrecognizable! ”
How to write a comment for the essay on the Russian language to the text of S. Kachalkova "How time changes people! Unrecognizable! ”

If the text used to write the Unified State Exam in Russian is literary, then special attention should be paid to the commentary on the problem. You need to think about how the author argues the problem, for example, the role of the narrator, dialogue is used. In the course of a brief analysis of the case, which is described in the text, we recommend formulating thoughts about human behavior.

You will need

Text by S. Kachalkov “How time changes people! Unrecognizable! Sometimes it’s not even changes, but real metamorphoses!”

Instruction manual


Think about how thinking begins on the issue of choosing life priorities. If you find expressive means in this paragraph, you can name them and write about their role. The beginning of the commentary may look like this: “Thinking about the problem of choosing life priorities begins with the idea that people change over time. Using numerous questioning and exclamation points, the author wants to draw special attention to such an urgent life problem.”


Think about what story the narrator cites as an example of how a person’s life is changing. It is necessary to present it succinctly, at the same time drawing conclusions about human behavior: "The narrator recalls a classmate who was distracted and who was fascinated by science at school. Everyone thought he would be a great scientist. The narrator did not know how the fate of Einstein’s future after graduating from the university But one day they met, at the beginning of which the narrator only suggested by voice who he was, the narrator did not believe that the person who had predicted a great scientific future as a child works as a loader, maybe He is happy to take food, enjoys this method of enrichment, calculates profits. He looked pleased, telling how he had enough money "for a bun with butter."


Do not lose sight of the conversation of the actors.

What is the basis of the dialogue? What kind of feelings of people can we guess by reading the dialogue. Pay special attention not only to the remarks, but also to the words of the author in the sentences with which the dialogue is built. For example, you need to pay attention to the fact that the narrator was surprised that “The Great Physicist is engaged in private transportation” and that and how Max answered him. The words "Take it higher!" Max said with a grin. And it may seem to the reader that, deep down, he regretted that he had betrayed his future. The main thing that this person has changed in, he explained by what he knows how to count. Max Lubavin made his choice."


Make a mini-conclusion about one of the vital “metamorphoses”: “It turns out that life in the country has changed so that a real“ metamorphosis ”has happened to a person. Another vital interest related to material dependence has been identified. A youthful passion for science has not become an adult's vital priority. The man was forced to make such a choice."


Pay attention to the last lines of the dialogue between the narrator and his wife, from which we can draw a conclusion about the attitude of the author and the narrator to the problem of choosing life priorities: "Explaining to his wife what kind of person this is, the narrator said with a sad sigh that this is" former Einstein " "Using this epithet, the author wanted to show that the storyteller is sorry for his classmate and he is not happy that this can happen in life. The reader can conclude that the points of view of the storyteller and the author on this issue coincide."