How to write a comment for the essay on the Russian language to the text D.S. Likhacheva "Love to read!"

How to write a comment for the essay on the Russian language to the text D.S. Likhacheva "Love to read!"
How to write a comment for the essay on the Russian language to the text D.S. Likhacheva "Love to read!"

Commentary is one of the most important parts of the USE essay on the Russian language, which is rated at a maximum of 5 points. Having read the text, the graduate must understand how the author of the text proves the essence of the problem (gives examples, uses expressive means and makes a conclusion).

You will need

Text D.S. Likhacheva "Have you noticed how impressive those literary works are that are read in a calm, unhurried and leisurely environment, such as on vacation or in some kind of illness that is not very complicated and not distracting?"

Instruction manual


The search for thoughts to comment on a problem can be structured according to the paragraphs. See how the letter begins. We offer the beginning of the comment: “D.S. Likhachev’s letter“ Love to read! ”, In which the problem of instilling a love of reading is raised, begins with a question that people can answer positively. Of course, a person needs to think about the situation in which a book is read and how much stronger will be the impression of a read book if it is read in a calm environment."


Think about the question that the author asks further - why does humanity need literature? The following thought to the commentary can be formulated as follows: “When answering this question, DS Likhachev explains to the reader that she makes him wise. Further, the author advises the reader to read with pleasure and delve into the little things. The writer claims that you can’t access the book once and that person should have favorite books."


Try to see examples in the text about instilling a love of reading. Examples can be drawn as follows: "D.S. Likhachev shares his memories of how teachers during the Great Patriotic War introduced children to reading. The author of the text admits that he still loves what he listened to in childhood. Reading in the family is also significant affects the inculcation of love for the book. DS Likhachev proves this idea on the example of his family.


Find the following thought - how to read, so that there is an interest in literature. Using synonyms, write down this thought in the following way: "Calling to love literature, the author advises to learn to read - to read with interest, carefully, slowly."


Analyze the writer’s answer to the question: “Why for many people watching TV shows becomes more important than reading books?” This is another question the writer answers. He advises watching programs with a choice and draws attention to the fact that you need to spend time on a decent one. So, a person needs to overcome interest in "empty" TV shows. D.S. Likhachev believes that you need to read more and with a choice that you can determine yourself. In classical literature, a person can find something substantial for himself."


Do not miss one of the important points in the commentary - the expressive features of the text: "The peculiarity of the design of the letter of D. Likhachev is the use of verbs 2 of the plural. In addition, the author asks questions, using them for a confidential conversation with the reader."


Analyze how the letter ends. An example of the design of final thoughts in a letter can be this: "The author ends the letter with tips on the need to read modern literature, not to chase fashionable books and not to waste time the most precious capital for a person - time."


Think about how to build a conclusion in a comment. You can use the words - "problem, comment, prove." The conclusion can be written as follows: “Thus, the problem raised by DS Likhachev in the letter was commented on. The author of the text proved to the readers that a person himself can develop an interest in reading.”