How to write a comment for the essay on the Russian language to the text D.S. Likhacheva "What unites people?"

How to write a comment for the essay on the Russian language to the text D.S. Likhacheva "What unites people?"
How to write a comment for the essay on the Russian language to the text D.S. Likhacheva "What unites people?"

A five-point assessment of the commentary in the composition of the exam can be obtained by training in step-by-step observations of the author’s thoughts. If the problem is central, you can analyze the author’s thoughts in paragraphs.

You will need

  • Text D.S. Likhacheva "Floors of care. Care strengthens relations between people. Strengthens a family, strengthens friendship, strengthens villagers, residents of one city, one country


Instruction manual


The problem of care is a central issue in the text of D.S. Likhachev. In the living world, these actions are aimed at the well-being of others, which is why they are important.

An analysis of the writer's thoughts can be built on paragraphs. Pay attention to the beginning of the text. An analysis of the author’s thoughts at the beginning of the text may look like this: “DS Likhachev shares with readers thoughts that he does not disconnect, but unites people. It turns out that care is a bond of a family, residents of villages, cities, and countries.”


Follow the writer's thoughts and write about caring in the family first: "The writer suggests observing how care is taken during a person’s life, and calls the mother’s care of the child born the first concern. Gradually, the father begins to take care of the child."


See what examples the author gives. The examples may be written as follows: “The author of the text writes about who cares for another person and how. The writer gives examples of girls and boys and how children take care of the family.”


Do not miss the author’s thoughts on how care is growing and how it is growing. This thought can be put forward as follows: "Discussing further on the caring attitude of children to others, DS Likhachev believes that care becomes more" high ", " real and wide ", " altruistic ", that is, disinterested, selfless - the family "school, village, city, country. Valuable is the concern for the historical memory of the family and the homeland."


Do not disregard the expressive means that the author uses to emotionally support the problem. The expressive means you have chosen may be: “In order for readers to realize that care is needed in the human world, that this moral problem is important, the author gives the text emotionality using expressive means such as the metaphor:“ floors of care, such as epithets: ” high ", " real and broad ". The text does not have the noun" altruistic ", but the adjective" altruistic ". It can become the textual antonym of the noun" egoist ", which the author writes further:" If a person cares only about himself, then he mill em selfish."


Think about how to shape the thought of the connection between caring and compassion. Using partial quotation, the design of this thought may look like this: “The feeling of compassion, according to the writer, is a manifestation of“ morality to the highest degree. ”This feeling is forgotten and its revival and development is required. When a person takes care, he is compassionate, which means feels oneness with others."


Pay attention to the final thoughts of the writer about good, caring deeds. Using the verbs “recognizes”, “believes”, “writes”, formulate these thoughts as follows: “DS Likhachev recognizes that it is difficult for all mankind to become good. He gives examples of manifestations of a caring attitude of a person and believes that everyone should start with "At the end of his thoughts, the author writes that it is inappropriate to call a good deed stupid."


To conclude in the commentary, try to summarize the author’s thought about why a person needs to take care, use the words “result”, “care”, “compassion”, “unite”: “To summarize the comments on the problem of manifesting care. What is the purpose of care? "I learned compassion in order to preserve the memory of the past, to fight for nature. A sense of care that unites people, will preserve humanity, will preserve its future."