How to write a comment for essay on the Russian language to the text B.A. Mozhaeva "And that sunny day I arrived "

How to write a comment for essay on the Russian language to the text B.A. Mozhaeva "And that sunny day I arrived "
How to write a comment for essay on the Russian language to the text B.A. Mozhaeva "And that sunny day I arrived "

It is not difficult to comment on the problem in the text for the composition of the exam, which the author became interested in. You can get 5 points for a comment if you follow the algorithm that is described in these recommendations about writing a comment.

You will need

Text B.A. Mozhaeva "And on that sunny day I came to Gus-Zhelezniy to admire the lake, swim, swim in it"

Instruction manual


State the problem. You can design it like this: "B.A. Mozhaev raises the problem of the relationship of man to the heritage of his country."


After reading the beginning of the text, think about what the author is talking about. We offer the beginning of the comment: "At the beginning of the text, the author talked about how he had visited familiar places and found that there was no lake, no ancient dam. The manor house had lost its original appearance."


It is necessary to clarify with whom the author met. The fact about the author’s interlocutor can be written as follows: “B.A. Mozhaev met with the head doctor of the children's sanatorium, who was now located in this house.”


Pay particular attention to the author's replicas. What can be understood from these replicas? One of the options for analyzing the author’s remarks could be: “From the conversation of these people we can understand how they related to this problem. The author regretted that the sights of these places were not preserved. The doctor’s words that, according to experts, there’s no house neither the temple was of architectural value either by the fact that "people need other values, " surprised the author. He even wondered if he was joking."


Try to see the expressive means of speech that are used in the text. We offer the option of filling out a sentence about expressive speech tools: "In order to express his concern, the author uses interrogative and exclamatory sentences in the dialogue, with the help of which he tries to convince the head physician, and at the same time readers, that the attitude of people to this issue is incorrect".


Do not ignore the remarks of other participants in the dialogue. Think about what you can understand from the replicas of the head physician. An analysis of the remarks of the head physician may look like this: “From the dialogue that the author uses to express points of view on the problem, we understand that his interlocutor did not regret that the manor house had lost its former appearance, that it was not necessary to keep the temple and the pond, because that the time has come for other values."


It is necessary to pay attention to the end of the text, because here you can find thoughts for generalization. We give one example of a generalization wording: “At the end of the text, the author sadly recalls the words of the immortal writer N.V. Gogol. Most likely, in order to say that caring people cannot stay away from topical problems. Unlike ordinary people, writers are concerned about the state of people's spiritual life, including the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the motherland."


Based on the point of view of the author and his interlocutor, formulate a conclusion for comment. Use the words "author", "interlocutor", "head physician" is not necessary. We advise you to make a conclusion for the comment as follows: “So, people have different attitudes towards the cultural and historical values ​​that surround them. Some are indifferent, because they believe that material, not spiritual, values ​​are at the core of life. There are those that worried about the fate of cultural monuments of any scale - national or local."

Useful advice

Summing up the algorithm for writing a commentary for writing an exam, we recommend that you follow this logic, and a five-point result will be achieved.