How to write an article analysis

How to write an article analysis
How to write an article analysis

Video: How to Do The Article Analysis 2024, July

Video: How to Do The Article Analysis 2024, July

The analysis of the article includes an assessment of the information content, content, semantic integrity of the article. It is the analysis that allows you to identify the level of professionalism of a particular author, to evaluate the style and manner of narration.

You will need

  • - article for analysis;

  • - writing instruments.

Instruction manual


To write a qualitative analysis of an article, be guided not by subjective opinion, but by certain criteria. Read the article and try to evaluate it based on the degree to which the content matches the title, information content, the logic of the presentation, disclosure of the topic. Consider also the language of the article, its stylistic characteristics. The article should represent semantic unity.


After reading the article several times, start the analysis. At the beginning, indicate all the output data of the article, and proceed to the first point of the plan "heading matching the contents of the article." In modern journalism, there are more frequent cases when "flashy" headlines only attract attention and are completely inconsistent with the topic. Therefore, this item must be reflected in your analysis.


Then go on to assess the degree of informational content of the article. Pay special attention to facts, surveys, expert opinions, and accurate data. All these components significantly increase the level of information and allow in future reference to this article.


The logic of presentation is no less important when evaluating an article. If the article contains two or three microthemes, and the author randomly jumps from one to the other without completing the discussion, then this is a serious minus. Each problem considered in the article should be consistently stated, and at the end of the narrative, appropriate results should be summarized.


Describing the article on the basis of the above criteria, you must say whether the topic addressed is fully disclosed. This point may cause difficulty in analyzing articles where the author sets himself the task of encouraging the reader to think and deliberately leaves the question rhetorical. This type of article does not fully cover the topic, but with its understatement encourages additional interest from readers. If you are working with such an article, be sure to indicate this when analyzing.

Useful advice

If you want to make your analysis of the article truly creative and noteworthy, analyze the artistic features of the language of the article. Focus on the means of expression used (epithets, metaphors, comparisons, etc.).

Editorial preparation of periodicals.