How to find an English teacher on Skype

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How to find an English teacher on Skype
How to find an English teacher on Skype

Video: How to use Skype to teach English online 2024, July

Video: How to use Skype to teach English online 2024, July

Distance learning via Skype helps you learn English in a cozy home atmosphere. The success of the student is influenced by the teacher, whose choice must be taken as seriously as possible. Each school provides its teacher, but not each of them has professional qualities. First, you should choose an educational institution, reviews of former students will help in this. In the modern world, almost every school has its own website, where it is possible to leave comments. After studying the reviews, it immediately becomes clear which teacher made the best impression on the audience. But here there are tricks, if the text is written in short general phrases, then perhaps the review was not a student, but a copywriter. Now we need to understand in more detail what criteria to pay special attention to when choosing the best teacher in Skype.

Maria Ganenkova, project manager of, told us how to choose a tutor for students who start learning English on Skype.

Higher education

A good foreign language tutor should have an appropriate education. Only a diploma with a philological bias gives the necessary knowledge for teaching, and not a certificate after taking courses. A huge advantage are additional courses of the international standard to the diploma of higher education.

Place of work

Before applying for the study of English on Skype, it is worth finding out where the teacher works. If he teaches not in one school, but in several, then there is a risk that he will be confused in the program and students. Therefore, the future mentor should work in only one educational institution.


It is indisputable that not only young, but also more mature teachers can fully surrender to their work and interest students. But online training is not only given to Russian-speaking teachers aged 40 to 50 who are used to teaching English according to a standard program.

Internship abroad

A huge plus for the tutor is that he had the opportunity to visit abroad under the Work and Travel program or lived there. Undoubtedly, the teacher during this time will not learn thoroughly English, but he gained valuable experience in communicating with his native speaker. Such a teacher will quickly interest students, telling about the culture and life of the English-speaking state. He will be able to teach correctly, not only make a speech, focusing on vocabulary, but also pay attention to the slang of modern youth and living idioms.

Information about the teacher

The site of the language school should have information for acquaintance about teachers. It is better to choose the person who has been working in the field of education for at least three years, loves foreign languages ​​and has a positive attitude. The statements about the study, hobbies and marriage of the future teacher do not carry any semantic load, and a thorough biography is not always true. Professionalism will be visible immediately after the first lesson on Skype, because a real tutor should share his knowledge with others and make a good impression on students.


Regardless of whether it is a standard English course or Skype training, the appearance of the teacher plays an equally important role. This does not mean that the choice should be given to the most beautiful teacher, just communication with him should be fun. Teaching a foreign language will be much more pleasant if the teacher meets the student with a sincere smile on his face.

Previous experience

An experienced tutor always attracts more students to his course, this also applies to classes on Skype. But even a person who has worked as a teacher for more than three years will be able to educate students at a professional level. Much depends on the teacher himself, his inner spirit and motivation. Basically, young people prefer to work with a teacher of their age who previously taught no more than five years. Adult students should only be taught by someone who has had older students before. After all, even a ten-year experience will not allow to transfer their knowledge to the adult generation in a qualitative manner, if before that only children went to tutoring. The future mentor, who has been working at the language school for about one or more years, will be able to offer exactly what a modern student wants. Before starting the training, it is worth considering what the English language is for the student, and for what purpose he intends to study it. Some want to tighten the grammar, others have a very small vocabulary, and some focus on vocabulary and the correct pronunciation of words and sentences.

Photo on the site

Not only appearance will tell about the teacher and his teaching methods, but also the quality of the photograph provided by him for the site. If a teacher has a fuzzy photo of poor quality, then one should not expect anything supernatural from his lessons. If a person did not want to take a good picture, then he will be indifferent to the training and presentation of the material. The image of an English teacher on Skype should be on top so as not to spoil the reputation of the institution.