How to fix handwriting

How to fix handwriting
How to fix handwriting

Video: how i improved my handwriting 2024, July

Video: how i improved my handwriting 2024, July

Not all people can boast of beautiful, calligraphic handwriting. Learning to write beautifully is the dream of many, but not everyone has been given to put it into practice. And the point is not the unattainability of the goal or excessive complexity, but the lack of information and concrete attempts to change the situation for the better.

In fact, correcting the handwriting for the better is a simple task and has many solutions.

1. Copy method. This is the method used at school when teaching children to write. The method is simple. Take a sample that serves as your reference, and simply rewrite letters, and then entire words and sentences. The main requirement is - regularity, regularity and again regularity! As practice shows, it’s not difficult if you devote this lesson to an hour an day, constantly train, always try to write in this way, - in about a month the results will appear. Moreover, a month is the maximum, often everything happens faster.

2. The method of auto-training. Also a time-tested technique, but requiring more time, because not many practiced autotraining, or other practices of working with consciousness. So, you need to master relaxation - this is the main condition. Lying on your back (do not cross legs and arms), focus on the muscles of the body. Arouse a feeling of heaviness and warmth throughout the body. A detailed description of the auto-training technique is easy to find on the Internet. After achieving deep relaxation, imagine that you are the person whose handwriting is the best. And then, just imagine that he (that is, you!) Is writing a letter - in the most beautiful, clear handwriting! Just watch. After a week, your handwriting will begin to involuntarily improve for the better. Most of the forces will have to be spent on mastering auto-training. Some take a week or two, while others take about a month.

3. The NLP method. Neuro-linguistic programming arose relatively recently, but managed to establish itself as a highly effective system that improves the quality of training. Simple techniques allow you to increase the efficiency of mastering new skills and improving old ones, which is required in our case. The simplest exercise. Sit in a chair. Relax, close your eyes. Imagine a screen divided into two parts. On both you see yourself - writing a letter. On the left of the picture, the sound was louder, and the brightness was higher. Practice for a week or two, and then everyone will notice the improvements.

These are not all methods. But using these techniques, you are guaranteed to get the result within a month.