How to speak Russian correctly

How to speak Russian correctly
How to speak Russian correctly

Video: Russian lessons – Lesson 1 – Tips, goals and Russian alphabet | Russian language 2024, July

Video: Russian lessons – Lesson 1 – Tips, goals and Russian alphabet | Russian language 2024, July

They say that Socrates, when meeting with a stranger, said: "Speak so that I can see you." Indeed, often speech is a litmus test of intelligence, culture, and human education. As for the Russian language, the publicist N.A. Dobrolyubov said back in the middle of the 19th century: “Our Russian language, perhaps more than all new ones, is able to approach classical languages ​​in terms of wealth, strength, freedom of location, abundance of forms. But to use all its treasures, you need to know it well, you need to be able to own it. " Indeed, it is not enough to be born in Russia in order to start speaking the native language correctly, speech needs constant monitoring, enrichment.

Instruction manual


Work hard and hard to replenish your vocabulary. To do this, it is not necessary to remember the contents of dictionaries. Enough to read. It is good if it is classical literature - Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov, Fedor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, whose language is the standard of Russian literature. Samples of modern prints are unlikely to enrich your vocabulary, although a book published in a reputable publishing house may well bring you substantial benefits in replenishing your vocabulary. Read more good literature.


Get rid of parasite words. Today they are the real scourge of the carriers of the great and mighty. So, here, this is the same thing as his, in short, damn it, well, so to speak, even the notorious "uh" clutter up speech, obscure the essence, impede perception. There are many ways to get rid of parasite words: fines (in the family or in the office), a clear retelling of a page from a book, communication with people who can do without “parasites, " etc.


Avoid using foreign words whenever possible. It is not necessary to say "business diversification" when you can say "business expansion" or "preventive measures" when there is the Russian version of "preventive measures". Of course, I sometimes want to show off my knowledge of words such as merchandising, proliferator, mainstream, teaser, etc. But if you decide to speak Russian correctly, try to use Russian words. Of course, the Russian language is very mobile, foreign words, one way or another, penetrate into it, some take root, others do not, however, respect for the native language should be maintained. A.M. always reminded of this. Gorky: "Language is an instrument, we must learn to clothe our impressions in a more perfect, bright, simple form

We will achieve this only when we cultivate respect for the language."


When training the correct speech, from time to time, record yourself on a tape recorder (preferably at a time when you are just talking with someone). In the first moments of listening, you may experience shock, do not be alarmed if you do not recognize your own voice. Your speech may seem obscure to you, clogged. Remember: what is training is developing. Develop not only the correct use of words and phrases, but also pronunciation. To do this, it is enough to say tongue twisters several times during the day.


Pay attention to the way the broadcasters and presenters of central television and radio broadcasting programs speak. Memorize words, style and turns of speech, manner. Feel free to repeat.


Follow the directives of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, enshrining changes in the norms of the Russian language. Example: order "On the approval of the list of grammars, dictionaries and reference books containing the norms of the modern literary language when it is used as the state language of the Russian Federation" (2009). You can agree or disagree with the decisions of the ministers regarding the pronunciation of individual words, but you need to know about the appearance of such official documents (and their contents), if you decide to speak Russian correctly.


The sooner you begin to deliver your speech, the better. If you train hard, noticeable successes can be detected within a month or two. Your diction will become clearer, your voice deeper, and your speech more correct and richer.

Useful advice

"Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, it is a treasure passed on to us by our predecessors! Handle this powerful tool with reverence; in the hands of the skilled it is able to perform miracles." I.S. Turgenev.

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