How to do bug fixes

How to do bug fixes
How to do bug fixes

Often you can hear the complaints of students that teachers give a lot of homework. In addition, they still require work on errors. Do not think, however, that this is just a waste of time. Doing work on errors is simply necessary: ​​this will allow you to consolidate poorly learned material and avoid a similar error in the future.

Instruction manual


Make it a rule for yourself that after you receive a notebook with proven work, you need to pay attention not only to the assessment (as often happens), but to your mistakes. They must be analyzed. Without unnecessarily reminding the teacher, do the work on the bugs.


If you made spelling mistakes, first of all, write down the word that you wrote incorrectly. Underline the spelling and graphically explain the correct spelling. Do not forget to indicate part of the speech. You can also write the spelling number.


So, if you could not correctly write the personal ending of the verb, then you will need to write down its indefinite form. This is necessary in order to be able to determine the conjugation of the verb. Indicate whether it refers to the first or second conjugation, but be sure to also note if it will be an exception. Be sure to highlight the part of the word where you made a mistake. For example, the ending of the verb.


If you were unable to write the correct unstressed alternating vowel in the root of the word, then after you write the word, select the root, underline the spelling and explain your choice. For example, the spelling of the letters "and", "e" in the roots of "bir", "ber" depends on whether there is a suffix "a" after the root. Therefore, you must designate it and underline the letter "and" in the root.


Do you need to explain the spelling at the end of a noun? Write out the word, highlight the ending, indicate the part of speech and write down the case and declension of the noun. Remember that if you are dealing with a category of nouns ending in "ia", "ie", "s", then declension does not need to be determined. For example, you need to check the spelling of the word "in a sanatorium". Write it out. Note that it is a noun, highlight the ending "and", indicate the spelling. Write also that this noun ending in “" ”is used in the form of a prepositional case. Therefore, you must write the ending "and".


Do not be lazy to work on errors. This will allow you to learn how to express your thoughts correctly, without errors, which is very important for any person.