How to be a good warden

How to be a good warden
How to be a good warden

Video: Complete Warden Guide | For Honor 2024, July

Video: Complete Warden Guide | For Honor 2024, July

The elder in a higher educational institution is an active and courageous person, who is the link between the leadership of the faculty and students. Anyone who follows a few simple rules will be able to perform all its functions perfectly.

Instruction manual


Be friendly. It is important for you to find a common language with all students of your group, for whom you will be responsible for at least one semester. Try not to show negative emotions, hide and restrain them relative to those who you do not like. You do not need to become the best friend of every student, but you will have to maintain communication.


Communicate with teachers, knowing everyone in person and by name. This skill comes with time, it is you who will be the first to recognize the list of mentors for the semester and their subjects. Remember all the details; perhaps the fact that the department head loves lilies will come in handy for her anniversary.


Listen to the problems and requests of classmates. Their decision is entirely up to you, so any question related to studies, living in a hostel, you should carefully listen and do everything possible to solve it.


Follow the documentation. Keeping a visit log, certification sheets and other important papers will be at your disposal. You will have to answer for them and their correct design (both by you and teachers).


Follow the instructions of the dean. Such qualities as responsibility and punctuality will be very useful to you. The orders of the faculty leadership will be transmitted and executed through the actions of the headman, so you will have to try not to let the dean down.


Do not think that as a headman you will have concessions. Absenteeism, disrespect for students and teachers will not only lead to dismissal from the post, but also, possibly, expulsion.

Useful advice

Organize meetings outside the university. To maintain excellent relations within the team entrusted to you, try to bring everyone together at least once a semester in a cafe or in the forest closest to the city for barbecue, fun and relaxed communication.