How to quickly learn Turkish

How to quickly learn Turkish
How to quickly learn Turkish

Video: Learn Turkish in 25 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need 2024, July

Video: Learn Turkish in 25 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need 2024, July

Modern Turkish language belongs to the southwestern subgroup of Turkic languages ​​and is the state language of the Republic of Turkey. It is also spoken in Northern Iraq, Syria, Bulgaria and some other Balkan countries.

You will need

  • - Turkish language tutorial;

  • - Russian-Turkish dictionary;

  • - books and films in Turkish;

  • - the Internet.

Instruction manual


You can learn Turkish on your own, with the help of a tutor or in language courses. To do this as quickly as possible, combine classroom lessons with daily self-study. In the first case, you will receive the necessary direction in study and practical communication in Turkish, and at home - to consolidate and improve the knowledge gained.


Use the Turkish language tutorial. It will help to master it in stages, since usually the tutorials are divided into lessons that correspond to certain topics. Do one such lesson each day, reviewing all the rules and doing the exercises.


Learn as many words as possible. In courses or in self-instruction, they are usually broken down by topic. Try not only to remember the suggested words, but also supplement this list yourself. Start the morning by repeating the words you have already learned. To remember them for a long time, use them in colloquial speech. And be sure to read aloud sometimes - this will give you the opportunity to improve your pronunciation.


Surround yourself in Turkish. Download films and books in this language, various simple audio recordings from the Internet. Teach yourself to constantly listen and see words in a foreign language, let them become part of your life. Start with the simplest texts and gradually move to a more complex level. At first, it will not be easy for you, but try to delve into the texts and over time you will begin to understand them.


Communicate with native speakers. Today there are many forums on the Internet, the participants of which correspond and communicate in Turkish, developing and improving it. Join them. You can also get acquainted with the Turks on social networks and establish correspondence with them.


To keep classes from bothering you, alternate your exercises with others. For example, if you study grammar, watch a movie in Turkish, read a book, or listen to Turkish music.


Exercise a few hours a day daily. This is the only way you can quickly learn the language. If you are very tired - take a break, but then be sure to continue.

  • Turkish language
  • learn Turkish