How to quickly and easily learn the basics of programming

How to quickly and easily learn the basics of programming
How to quickly and easily learn the basics of programming

Video: Learn Programming FAST! My Favorite Method! 2024, July

Video: Learn Programming FAST! My Favorite Method! 2024, July

Today, programming is required in many areas of life. Write code for a site or gadget, automate routine work on a PC - all this has become available to ordinary users today. Step by step, mastering the logic of algorithms and programming languages, you can achieve success in writing code at any level.

Instruction manual


Computer programming is one of the most interesting and highly paid occupations, and the prospects for the development of this sphere are the most bright. The programmer will always be in demand on the labor market, the entire virtual world (social networks, forums, company sites) rests on a software product that needs to be updated and updated daily. And even if you plan to work in a different specialty, programming skills will be a significant plus for employment.

By studying programming languages, the logic of algorithmization, you develop and rebuild the way of thinking, learn to solve puzzles and tasks of various kinds and understand cause-effect relationships - all this will be useful in any business. Programming skills will allow you to create your own product, if necessary, for example, a website or program for processing data and collecting information. Even to facilitate home accounting, you can write program code that, like no third-party software, will take into account all your requirements and wishes.


The GeekBrains IT portal offers one of the best free training courses in programming - the online course "Fundamentals of Programming". Here, over 4 lessons, the fundamental foundations of creating code and real development experience are given. Moreover, training takes place in an online form, and at the end of the lesson, to consolidate the material, homework is given, which is then sorted out in the next lesson. For the convenience of students, courses are held in the evening, but classes are not lost even with a forced pass - each lesson remains in the form of a video in the student’s own “classroom”. During the course, you will become familiar with the main programming languages ​​and directions, understand the principle of writing code, and even be able to write simple programs yourself. After training, in addition to knowledge, you will be left with instructions for further developing programming skills and all videos of online classes.

For people with a lowered concentration of attention, another free course will be more convenient - the GeekBrains video course on “Fundamentals of Programming”. It is a cycle of 15 video lessons of 6 minutes each. The training is built in the design and game form, which allows you to optimally combine theory with practice. Thus, in the total 90 minutes of the video course, students learn the basics of algorithmization - variables, data types, loops, branches, arrays, functions - and create their first programs: a financial calculator and a game. The video course is designed for comfortable passage at a convenient pace for the student.


To start learning web programming and even write your first blog, a free video course for 15 lessons "PHP. Quick Start" will help you. Before diving into PHP, the creation of a web page will be discussed in detail, 80% of the time spent on lessons is practice. You will learn HTML and CSS, the main tags of a web page. During the training, you will learn the basic functions of PHP, how they work with variables and parameters, loops and arrays. At the end of the course, each student will write their first PHP script.

Another free course is Object Oriented Programming. This rather difficult to understand, but necessary course is a logical continuation of the “Fundamentals of Programming” and gives an idea of ​​the object-oriented approach. During the course you will learn about classes, objects, methods, learn how to create and use them. Get to know the key principles of OOP - encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. And since the course is practical - at each lesson you will work on creating your own game and by the end of the training you will receive your first independently written software product.

Free lessons on Objective-C and the TO-DO List app will teach you how to create a mobile app by all rules. A course of 16 lessons provides an excellent base for further studying application programming for gadgets.

Video tutorials for advanced users of "Git. Quick Start" provide team development skills using the distributed Git version control system. After 11 lessons, you can confidently use this team development tool. You will learn the basic operations, rollback changes, learn in command mode to develop several versions of the program at once, and master the work with branches. All this will make it possible, including, to organize and efficiently use a shared code repository on the Internet.

The training video course "C #. Mini-programs" allows you to learn Windows Forms Net.Framework technologies in C # for free. Over 10 lessons, students become familiar with the Net.Framework workspace and write several Windows utilities.

The video tutorial "C #. Work with the VKontakte API" for 11 lessons will allow you to start working with the VKontakte API and create your own mobile application for this social network.


An important part of any training in programming is maximum immersion in the environment, which can be problematic when studying material remotely. The GeekBrains portal has solved this problem by providing on its pages a lot of useful articles and webinars. Here you can get acquainted with current trends in the IT world, stay up to date with the latest news and get useful tips. The webinar "Simple rules of good code" will be indispensable support for novice programmers during basic courses.

When developing applications for gadgets it will be useful to listen to free webinars: "Kivy. Mobile applications on Pythons" and "Mobile applications on NativeScript". And for web developers - "Skills and tools for effective development in PHP", "Adult web server", "Web development in java" and others.

Articles such as “7 Typical Mistakes of Inexperienced Programmers” or “Best Tools for Achieving Goals” will allow beginners to learn from someone else's experience, which will significantly speed up the process of learning programming. The difficult question of overcoming procrastination is covered in the article "How to maintain motivation for programming?" Using these tips, you can successfully motivate yourself in learning.


After learning the basics of programming, the GeekBrains portal suggests continuing to study more deeply one of the "Professions", for example, to learn how to use a Java programmer. The ability to write code in the cross-platform Java language is most in demand today. After completing courses from level 0 to 2, you will leave in your luggage good practical knowledge of the selected language, and certificates of training in the portfolio.


Everyone who has passed one of the "Professions" after training has the opportunity to take an internship in the team of one of the partner companies GeekBrains. After training "by profession", you will be able to choose the most interesting among the proposed projects and consolidate the knowledge gained in the courses in it, learn how to use the most advanced programming technologies and gain team experience in writing code and developing applications.