Correction of speech deficiencies in children

Correction of speech deficiencies in children
Correction of speech deficiencies in children

Video: Interventions for Speech Sound Disorders in Children 2024, July

Video: Interventions for Speech Sound Disorders in Children 2024, July

It is no secret that kindergartens and schools with the presence of a speech therapist in Russia are not enough. Specialists who would deal with the correction of speech defects in the child are also chronically lacking, especially in rural areas. Therefore, parents, kindergarten and elementary school should be involved in the formation of the child’s speech.

In order to form the correct speech in the child, a lot of effort should be made. And on the effectiveness of the speech development of primary schoolchildren, their further success in mastering knowledge in secondary and high school subjects directly depends.

The correct pronunciation of the sounds of the Russian language, the correct use of similar sounds in speech (s-w, s-s, l-r, w-sh, b-p, etc.), pronunciation of complex words in accordance with the rules of orthoepy is achieved by a wide variety of exercises.

Sounds of speech are important, because children with pronunciation deficiencies often become timid, withdrawn, shy, and sometimes, on the contrary, aggressive. Such children have difficulty mastering literacy; the meaning of words for them is fraught with difficulties for perception.

To avoid this, a child can be offered various kinds of exercises, from which it follows that mixing the sounds of oral speech can lead to distortion of words: raft-fetus, fire-ball, tom-house, rock-horn, vice-threshold, soup-tooth, kidney -barrel. In each specific case, the child should pay attention to the fact that the lexical meaning of the word can vary greatly when replacing a single letter.

Another indisputably good method of forming speech skills in children is tongue twisters:

  • Masha’s porridge is tired, Masha’s porridge hasn’t finished, Masha’s eat up porridge, mom don’t get bored.

  • My mother did not regret the soap, my mother washed soap with Mila, Mila did not like Soaps, Mila dropped the soap.

  • Instead of a shirt, don’t you wear trousers. Instead of beets, don’t you ask for swede and do you always distinguish a number from a letter? and distinguish between ash and beech?

Pronouncing a tongue twister should be slow at first, then at an average pace, and finally at a fast pace. The patter "Clara stole the clarinet from Karl" can be pronounced at different speeds, intonations, and a variable timbre of voice.

Diction of schoolchildren is very well formed with the help of tongue twisters, especially since memorization among younger students is well developed. Children should be forced to quickly read tongue twisters, but in such a way that they do not "swallow" individual sounds.

In the game form, you can suggest that the child find an error in the phrase written on the board or notebook. For example, Lazybones lies on a cot and gnaws at the same time shushki (drying); In front of the kids, the rat is painted by painters (roof). A child’s search for an incorrectly inserted letter provokes him, instills the skills of attentiveness, speed reading, love of his native language.

In the case of group classes, children can be offered the option when an adult (parent or teacher) pronounces the main part of the phrase, and the children should complete it in unison: Where did you dine, sparrow? At the zoo, at … (animals).

A very important role is played by the correct statement of stress in words. Children can be offered a variety of words, where they will have to correctly emphasize. Then the lexical meaning of the word is explained to the child, the importance of using words in accordance with orthoepic norms is explained.

Children with impaired speech function caused by various pathologies in the body (for example, widespread stuttering) need timely help from a speech therapist, they need an individual approach.