What a child needs to buy at school

What a child needs to buy at school
What a child needs to buy at school

Video: when taking your kid to school becomes 9,568,035x more dangerous 2024, July

Video: when taking your kid to school becomes 9,568,035x more dangerous 2024, July

The range of school supplies is huge. In order not to get lost in it, it is necessary to determine in advance what the child will need to go to school, and make a list of necessary things on the eve of the day of purchase.

First of all, a child needs a briefcase at school. When buying, pay attention to the quality, convenience and spaciousness of the portfolio or satchel.

Ask your future class teacher in advance what uniform they wear at school. If the form is not provided, buy a child high-quality and practical clothes in which he will look neat and not very different in appearance from classmates for the better or for the worse.

For physical education you need to buy a sports uniform and sneakers or gym shoes. Also buy lightweight and comfortable interchangeable shoes and a bag for her. It is advisable to purchase clothes and shoes closer to September, because a child can grow greatly over the summer.

Buy school notebooks of 10 pieces per cell and ruler. The lines on the sheets should be clear so that vision does not strain during work. Notebook sheets should be made of high-quality matte white paper, not too smooth and not too rough. Buy a folder for notebooks, covers for them and for textbooks.

Get a school diary, you can with color pictures on the cover, the first grader does not need formulas and maps. Buy your child colored and simple pencils, a sharpener, a set of felt-tip pens, a few ballpoint pens. To make them convenient to use, select handles that have rubber rings at the shaft.

It is more convenient for a child to store pens and pencils in a pencil case. A first-grader just needs a simple pencil case in the form of a regular tight-fitting box. At school, the child will need to buy an album for drawing, erasers, a ruler, watercolors, plasticine, and for work lessons you will need colored paper, glue brushes, scissors (small, with round tips). At the request of the teacher, purchase a technical designer.

You can purchase an inexpensive cell phone. Let it be the simplest model with a minimum set of functions, the main thing is that the battery can be left without recharging for a long time.