Why do you need punctuation marks?

Why do you need punctuation marks?
Why do you need punctuation marks?

Video: PUNCTUATION 📚 | English Grammar | How to use punctuation correctly 2024, July

Video: PUNCTUATION 📚 | English Grammar | How to use punctuation correctly 2024, July

Punctuation marks are used to establish semantic relations between words in the text, specify the structure of the sentence. Some signs carry only semantic load, sometimes with emotional coloring.

The letter cannot do without commas, with the help of them the meaning of the sentence is comprehended, emotional accents are placed. These punctuation marks are set when the narrative indicates the alternation of events, their simultaneity: "Came, saw, won." In other cases, they add emotionality to the text: "Subtle, vulnerable soul."

The dot gives the expression completeness. Sometimes the point is put after short sentences, united by a single picture, which brings expressiveness to the text: "Late. The wind has become cold."

Widely used in writing and quotation marks. With the help of them quotes, direct speech, words and expressions used in conventional meaning are distinguished. The use of quotation marks draws attention to the word, statement, sentence, emphasizes its meaning, meaning.

A special place in punctuation is occupied by a dash and a colon. Both signs are endowed with certain functions. Sometimes they can be found in one sentence, for example, in the design of the author’s words and direct speech. Dash is mainly used for disclosing content. It replaces omissions in the sentence: members of the sentence, connectives in the predicate, opposing unions. The dash compensates for the missing words, preserving their place behind them. Recently, this punctuation mark often replaces the colon, especially in conjunction-free sentences between homogeneous members, which gives the text internal coherence, tightness. The choice of a dash instead of the more traditional punctuation marks: comma, colon, gives the work expressiveness, energy. Dash - the most capacious, in the sense, punctuation mark, with a wide range of action.

Using punctuation marks, semantic relations are established in the sentence, the structure of the text is specified. The choice of the punctuation mark depends on the manner of presentation, the nature of the text.