Why do I need a gold medal

Why do I need a gold medal
Why do I need a gold medal

Video: Alina Zagitova (OAR) - Gold Medal | Women's Free Skating | PyeongChang 2018 2024, July

Video: Alina Zagitova (OAR) - Gold Medal | Women's Free Skating | PyeongChang 2018 2024, July

In order to stimulate academic success, rewarding with medals was introduced back in Soviet times. It has survived to this day, despite the fact that the benefits to medalists have significantly decreased after the introduction of the USE. Why now you need to strive for a gold medal?

In post-Soviet times, school medals and the associated benefits on admission became the subject of heated debate. Many experts, including employees of higher educational institutions, have stated that a significant part of the medals are awarded undeservedly as a result of corruption or the pursuit of improved performance indicators. But the support system for medalists when entering institutions existed for a long time. Finally, this issue was resolved only after the widespread introduction of the exam. Since 2010, medalists no longer have official benefits for admission to higher education institutions. However, a school gold medal can still benefit its holder. It can be taken into account upon admission when a controversial event occurs, for example, if two applicants scored the same number of points. In this case, the admission committee of the university can conduct an interview, and a medal can confirm the seriousness of your intentions and diligence in studies. Also, benefits to medalists are preserved in some non-state universities. Excellent students can be accepted there without exams, if the university’s management so orders. Also, the gold award for "Success in learning" will be your pass to the Ball of medalists, which are held annually in all subjects of the federation. Typically, such events are attended by city and region leaders. Also, some medalists who have other merits, for example, in sports or in the olympiad movement, can get a ticket to the Moscow ball. This can be a good reason to see the capital. In addition, there are measures of material incentives for medalists. By decision of local authorities, excellent graduates can be awarded with gifts or cash payments. Specific amounts and gifts depend on the orders of the district or city authorities. All these signs of attention, of course, will be pleasant to schoolchildren. It should be understood that the gold medal no longer has the significance for the future life and study of the graduate that she had before. Therefore, if you are in doubt about what to focus on in the last grades of the school, it is better to delve into the training in those subjects that are necessary for your future studies at the university. Participation in specialized olympiads will be much more useful for you than a high average pass mark and a medal.

school gold medal