The role of motivation in learning English

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The role of motivation in learning English
The role of motivation in learning English

Video: The Role of Motivation in Learning ENGLISH at the Secondary Classrooms 2024, July

Video: The Role of Motivation in Learning ENGLISH at the Secondary Classrooms 2024, July

Sincere desire to benefit from any business today is denoted by the buzzword "motivation". At the same time, they do not always understand what is actually hiding under it in a particular case. And how important is “motivation” in order, for example, to learn a foreign language.

They write books about motivation, give lectures, and even shoot "motivating" films. And, indeed, without motivation it is difficult to imagine the fulfillment of any business. For its beginning, a reason is needed, for continuation of the stimulus, for completion, meaning. Speaking scientifically, motivation is some sense of your activity. The meaning of building a tree, giving birth to a house, planting a son or


learn a foreign language. And in the latter case, it is most difficult, since the “motivation” is not always understood and applied correctly.

Why and how do people learn a foreign language

People studying a foreign language consider it a kind of useful acquisition, knowledge that helps in later life. Someone wants to travel, communicate with foreigners, learn something new. Others need a language for reading books, correspondence on the Internet or social networks. Still others make language learning the meaning of life and become linguists. Everyone has their own reasons.

No matter what you learn English for, it’s important that it will be difficult.

And most often studied English. Beginners enroll in courses, acquire thick dictionaries, try to communicate with foreigners. At the beginning of this glorious journey, motivation plays a very significant role. “Pupils” have seen enough of motivating films, they have read articles about how to easily learn English, collected a lot of techniques and just useful literature. They glow with enthusiasm and are full of energy. Ready to roll if not mountains, then very large hills.

But actually happening


The first basics are passed, the alphabet with phonetics are learned, even a certain vocabulary is accumulated. And here

. It turns out that in English there are many grammatical rules. A beginner, if he is motivated, rests his forehead against a granite wall and gnaws it to

To see behind it a steel wall of even greater thickness - this is an exception to the grammar rules. And there are only several irregular verbs of several hundred.

But the persistent student overcomes this too. And then they give him dialogues, and then topics, and here also unexpected discoveries, that in addition to the above correct verbs and irregular ones, there are right and wrong ones. And that uncountable nouns must always be written in the singular. But not when you talk about different types of the same substance, but then in the plural.

And the skipping classes begin, and the neophyte takes away from homework, and is engaged in the most inveterate procrastination with a promise to himself: "I will certainly learn tomorrow!"