Principles of Pedagogy M. Montessori

Principles of Pedagogy M. Montessori
Principles of Pedagogy M. Montessori

Video: 8 Principles of Montessori 2024, July

Video: 8 Principles of Montessori 2024, July

Maria Montessori was a supporter of an individual approach to training and education. The activity of the child, focused on the acquisition of life experience, has become the fundamental thesis of Montessori pedagogy. This allows children to see the big picture of the world and understand its versatility.

Instruction manual


Do not interrupt the activity of the child. Do not interfere in his studies until he independently asks you for help.


Emphasize their dignity in children, avoid mentioning negative personality traits.


Create an environment for the child in which he can interact independently.


Fill the children's space with all the necessary materials for the development of various areas: mental, emotional, physical.


Protect your baby’s safety.


Do not force the child to work. Respect both his work and his rest.


Help the children who could not decide on the choice of occupation. Present them with a variety of activities.


Help children learn the unexplored. Try to unobtrusively return to unfinished business.


When interacting with a child, show him, by your own example, the best manners of behavior.


Educate humanity in children. Remember that the learning process is always associated with the educational process.