Why do students take academic leave

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Why do students take academic leave
Why do students take academic leave

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Video: Depression: A Student's Perspective 2024, July

Studying at universities takes more than one year and often coincides with the age when there is a desire to start a family. Yes, and what just can not happen over the years of study. Various events can lead to a temporary cessation of education. Moreover, the period of academic leave is usually one calendar year.

Family leave for academic leave

The main reason students leave for academic leave is various family circumstances. The pregnancy of the student in the provision of relevant documents may well be the basis for such a vacation. Not every pregnancy proceeds smoothly, and attending classes, and sometimes passing an examination session, can have a negative effect on the development of the fetus. This is due primarily to the stress experienced by the expectant mother.

Having a child with a student also serves as a good reason to temporarily stop learning. Usually, at the time of the birth of a child, young mothers-students take this leave. The prioritization in this case is easily explainable. The child in the first years of life is in dire need of the constant care of the mother. Some of the students who became fathers of newborn children also take academic leave, since usually the family needs additional funds before the mother goes to work.

Another family circumstance that allows you to take academic leave is the illness of a close relative. If your father, mother or other person very dear to you needs constant care due to illness, you will take academic leave without hesitation. This is especially true when there is no one else to take care of the sick except you.

There are a lot of family circumstances forcing to temporarily stop studying at a university. There is no clear list. However, these circumstances must be respectful and confirmed by your statement, and in some cases by documents (pregnancy certificate, birth certificate of a child, etc.)

Academic leave for civil duties

Military-liable students in some cases take academic leave and serve in the Russian troops. They explain their decision with a desire to make a successful career in the future. Such voluntary withdrawal of university students in the army is associated with the activities of the state to strengthen the country's defense. However, this phenomenon has not yet become widespread, and most students prefer to remain in educational institutions for further continuous education.