Why is it useful to read

Why is it useful to read
Why is it useful to read

Video: Why reading matters | Rita Carter | TEDxCluj 2024, July

Video: Why reading matters | Rita Carter | TEDxCluj 2024, July

The number of people reading in our country, unfortunately, decreases every year. Some twenty years ago, she wore the proud title of “The Most Reading State in the World, ” but now this can only be remembered with a sad, nostalgic smile. What is especially sad, children and teenagers, our future, belong to the category of few readers. What is the use of reading?

Some people do not see anything wrong with the fact that people have stopped reading. They argue that the decline in interest in reading is a natural consequence of scientific and technological progress. Like, the same twenty years ago, personal computers were just starting to enter everyday life, neither children nor adults knew about any “shooters”, “live magazines” and other entertainments. There are those who sincerely do not understand: what trouble is that people have stopped taking the book in their hands?

A truly good, talentedly written book does not leave the reader indifferent. She excites him, encourages him to think, worry with the heroes, and thus plays an indisputable pedagogical role.

In addition, a good book contributes to the replenishment of the vocabulary of the reader, increasing his intellectual level. For example, while reading an interesting historical novel, he unwittingly remembers the meanings of many terms previously unfamiliar to him, studies the specific situation in a particular state for that period of time, customs adopted in different layers of society, etc.

Well, a well-written detective novel may well contribute to the development of an analytical mindset! Considering various options on the basis of the available information, trying to figure out the criminal, the reader trains his brain. Who knows if this will come in handy for him in the future?

Regular reading helps maintain clarity of mind and can serve as a good prevention of specific diseases of the elderly, up to such a formidable as Alzheimer's disease. Anyway, reading is a great way to strengthen your memory!

From the moment people learned to capture information, the book served as the main source of knowledge. And today, despite all kinds of "search engines", it plays the same role. Anyone who reads a lot knows a lot - this is an indisputable truth. Well, a knowledgeable person, as a rule, feels confident in any situation, whether at work or at home.

Finally, reading is a wonderful form of relaxation! After a busy, tiring, sometimes nervous, hard day, settle in your favorite chair with a good book, looking forward to a pleasant reading. And this is a wonderful pastime.

why reading in 2018 is useful