The basic rules of writing an abstract

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The basic rules of writing an abstract
The basic rules of writing an abstract

Video: How to Write an Abstract Step-by-Step (With Easy Examples) 2024, July

Video: How to Write an Abstract Step-by-Step (With Easy Examples) 2024, July

Writing abstracts is an integral part of studying at a higher or secondary educational institution. Someone solves the problem radically - just pays money and orders work on the Internet, while someone prefers to succeed on their own and, rereading a pile of literature, sculpts his "brainchild" day after day.

Preparation for writing an abstract

Before you start writing an essay, you should arm yourself with the main principle: the work should be compiled only using information from reliable sources. It is necessary to find the necessary subject literature. As a rule, books, articles published in newspapers and magazines, as well as various collections and reference publications are used for these purposes.

After the sources of the required information are selected, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with their contents. Read (albeit fluently) fragments from books, carefully analyze the information succinctly filed in articles and reference books. Also, at this stage, you can not do without brief notes on the material studied.

An example of an “ideal” essay plan

An "ideal" essay should be written without frills and contain only important thematic information. In its structure, the work should consist of introduction, introductory part, main scientific part, conclusion and conclusions.

In the introduction, the author needs to justify what exactly prompted him to choose one or another topic for the essay. Talk about your choice should be short and to the point. The introductory part should consist of several sentences that introduce the examiner to the topic of work.

In the scientific part of the abstract, all the main material on the topic should be correctly stated, not forgetting to divide the text into paragraphs and subparagraphs. In the final section, all the results of the work should be summarized, a brief analysis made, and the correct conclusions formulated.