Where to send your child to extra classes

Where to send your child to extra classes
Where to send your child to extra classes

Video: Write an application to your principal for extra classes of maths and English 2024, July

Video: Write an application to your principal for extra classes of maths and English 2024, July

For any child, a kindergarten or school is a whole world filled with hundreds of significant and not very events. However, sooner or later, parents think about where to send their child for additional classes.

Instruction manual


Classes in the sports section will help to strengthen health, develop dexterity, strength, and teach you how to control your body. If your child is hyperactive, training will direct energy in a peaceful way. A son or daughter will fall asleep better in the evening, tired after one day, and become calmer. In addition, regular physical activity from an early age is the key to a beautiful figure.


Children involved in the sports section are able to stand up for themselves and endure pain, fight fatigue, overcome obstacles. Sports activities are an excellent change of activity after a long sitting at a school desk. Each sport has its own specifics. If your child is often sick, you can give him to figure skating, hockey or in the pool. In single-parent families, boys often lack male authority. Martial arts classes can solve the problem.


Classes in the choreographic studio will have a beneficial effect on the overall physical development, will allow the child to become stronger, more agile, and more durable. Dances develop a sense of rhythm, train muscles, develop flexibility. Children involved in a dance studio, as a rule, are able to overcome difficulties, achieve their goals, learn lessons from failures.


Visiting art circles helps to foster a creative attitude to the world, to develop imagination. Children become more diligent, patient, learn to control their emotions. Drawing, modeling and similar activities develop fine motor skills. Classes in the art circle will provide an opportunity to learn the technique of working with gouache, watercolors, wax crayons, as well as natural material. The benefits of this will be visible at school, when the crafts and drawings of your child will always be among the best.


Classes in music circles develop a sense of rhythm and ear for music, train hand-eye coordination. The peculiarity of practicing music is that it needs to either be serious, or not at all. Repetition of the same gamut and uniformity of activities can be annoying. Classes in a music school are not always considered something worthy among peers. Children studying in a music school are more diligent, disciplined than their peers. They better absorb and remember information.


Children who are given to study in a vocal studio quickly learn to cope with shyness, overcome the fear of communication, gain confidence. Teachers will help develop a musical ear, put a voice. Usually, performing on stage is very popular with both boys and girls.


Lessons in the theater club will help you learn a lot about the history and culture. Any occupation is an immersion in a fairy tale, in the world of the amazing and mysterious. Children are taught to possess voice and body, to defend their point of view, to understand others, to express their feelings in various ways.


Before finally deciding on the choice of a circle or section for a child, it is worth asking him himself about his preferences. It is not necessary to reveal talent, just a simple interest and desire. At first, regular classes will help organize the child’s leisure and become a means of emotional relaxation. If the child has no hearing and voice and is not accepted to music school, but the kid dreams about the stage almost from the cradle, a theater studio may be preferred. Children who do not really like to draw can engage in embroidery, origami, and beadwork with enthusiasm.


It is very important to explain to the child that they will give him classes in a particular circle, how they will affect his future life. It will be nice if you not only consult with your son or daughter about choosing a section, but also offer several options to choose from. Many schools and clubs have the opportunity to attend a free trial lesson.


If the child has problems communicating with peers in the yard or with classmates at school, recording it in a nearby home of creativity or a music school is not worth it. Most likely, the conflicts will move into a new team, and classes will end with tears and complaints. If possible, you should start from scratch.


When choosing a section, it is important for parents to evaluate their strengths. Firstly, it’s worth considering the time. Up to a certain age, the child will have to be brought in and taken from classes. 2-3 times a week, asking for leave from work is problematic, and not everyone has grandparents ready to help. The solution to the problem often becomes the nearest home of creativity or a leisure center for children. Secondly, parents should consider not only temporary, but also material investments. In addition to paying for classes, you will have to buy supplies, sew costumes, donate money for repairs, holiday gifts, and so on.